Chapter 3: Start Your Horses

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    Saying goodbye to my friends was hard. First, I said farewell to Belinda, the loyal girl I always knew and then I said goodbye to March, a senior with a lot of energy... The list went on as I travelled the town to bid a farewell to my friends.

     The next morning, I felt a gentle shake in my shoulder. I opened my eyes unwillingly to find Gandalf standing there.

     "Get up and on you horse my dear!"

     "Its still dark!" I protested.

     "Better to leave now! You may not even have to spend 3 nights on the road if you go now. If you wait, you will spend 4." He explained with his head high.

    After he lift, I got dressed in a long green robe, like the elves would have done.

     I wear my hair like the elves too. Really,  I could be a very short elf with brown hair and some magic in my blood. If I focus, I can make things levitate... Or rather, used to make thing levitate and my hair used to be as beautiful as the elves. When i was much younger, i wanted to be a pure elf and that was all i wanted. I would braid my hair, brush it, untangle it, clean it to death everyday and still i could not see my self as the elf i wanted to be. I was half sized and that angered me... I would never live as long as the elves do even if my life is extended just slightly longer than normal. When i found myself in the care of Mr. Butterbur, my view on who i was changed. Seeing races of all kinds come and go at the old tavern, i was fascinated with men... They were so incredibly proud and sneaky. I adored their way of life and the simplicity they indulged in so  i focused my self in being the most human half sized everything i could be. It worked... I was rather content with the way i found myself not caring...

      That was when i also took up my time in reading the books—absolutely any books— that i could scrounge at the tavern. Many times when i saw a book in hand of a man, i bought it from him if i could.Then i would read it, then sell the book in the same or better condition. Mr. Butterbur never minded a bit.

     I could levitate as well when i was very very young. Pots, plants, books, dust anything at that small size, i could concentrate my mind and lift them. It was a gift from the elves. But, it never lasted for more than a few months unfortunately.

     Or, you could call me a slightly tall dwarf with brown elf hair and some worn out magic power if you really wanted to make me sound like a numbskull all over.

      When I lived with the dwarves about 10 years ago when I was 10, some of them thought I was bizarre. But, when I lived with Mr. Butterbur, I felt at home.

      Now, I was to return to the Misty Mountains and live with the dwarves. This will be my first time in the Mountains... Ever.

     I walked out of Bree and found Gandalf with a pony for me. If was packed with food and plenty other things that I would need.

    "Here" he said as I touched the pony's snout. "It has everything you need."

    "Thank you." I mounted the pony and looked at Gandalf in the eyes. "Will I see you in Bag End?"

     "About a week from now. Yes." He looked of onto the field. "Don't stop for anything. Eat as you ride if you can and sleep in a tree."

     "Sleep in a tree?" I confirmed.

     "Yes. Goodbye Sophia." He hit the end of the pony and of we went. I looked back as him and sighed.

     "Goodbye Gandalf!" I shouted back as he raised a hand to bid me farewell.

     As we trotted off, the pony and I, I tried to start remembering the names of all the dwarves and the faces too.

     I remember Thorin, Fili, Kili, Bombur, Bofur, ballin, and no others...

     Of corse Kili, Thorin and Fili had died at the battle.

     I wonder who is the king...


For this story, I am going to change somethings that occur in the battle so that I can actually have a real FanFiction... Please excuse it.

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