Chapter 4 'Broken'

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Chapter 4 (Broken)

"Well.. Um.. No." I hesitated, letting the tears stream down my face.

"Do you want the boys here too? I can get th-" Megan coughed out.

"Yes please, Louis too. Please I need to tell you all something." I choked out.

Lea went and got Harry and Zayn while Morgan and Gorgia went to find Louis

"There he is!" Morgan screamed in the hallway.

He turned around and spotted them. He walked over casually while they ran, ready to run him over.

"Whoa, girls slow down!" He laughed, unsure of what was going on.

"Hey Lou, you need to come with us. Sarah is crying and needs to tell us all something, Hurry." Gorgia got out just as she grabbed his arm and started to run again, as he didn't even get a chance to speak.


I stood up and faced Louis as tears came down my face and onto the dry, brown grass.

"I'm so sorry Lou, for everything. I'm so sorr-" I stopped and couldn't talk after all the tears. I was crying like a baby. But after what I had been through, I think it's acceptable.

"No shh, I'm sorry" He said while wrapping his arms around me and rested my head on his shoulder, letting my tears fall on him. All my friends stood there, watching and waiting of what I was about to tell them.

I got off his shoulder, and watched him smile. I didn't feel like I was ready to lose my friends just yet.

"Okay, okay. I really need to tell you all something. And it will change my life forever, I hope you know that you guys are my family and I love you." I was still crying not being able to stop.

Harry came over and put his hands on my face. "Babe, we love you too, don't ever forget that. No matter what happens, we will always be there for you..." He kissed my cheek and stood back.

What they didn't know yet was what Harry just said to me, I wanted it to be true, and would always be there for me no matter what.

"Sit down, please." I sat while they did the same circling me.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth. "After my mum died, my dad hasn't been his usual self. He was always happy and came home from work every Friday night with some sort of gift for me and my mum, which was very sweet. Always took care of me and my friends whenever we needed him, right?" I sat hesitatively looking deep into their eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Yep, he's amazing" Zayn smiled.

"Yeah, he was..." I frowned and looked up at the sky.

"He-he's been abusing me. Every time I got home from school he would yell and scream at me, for nothing. Our house is dark and creepy now. Yesterday he threw a knife at my leg. A couple of weeks ago h-he tried to k-k-kill me..." I finally said it, said the words that had been haunting me forever. Making my life as miserable as it could ever be. They all listened in awe.

"O-o-omg Sarah. You should have told us honey, does anyone else know?" Lea said with tears streaming down her face like everyone else. I shook my head and looked down. Lea got up and hugged me, eventually everyone stood up and gave me a group hug. That had been the first time I had seen Lou, Harry and Zayn cry. At least I knew I meant something to them.

"I Love You" Louis choked out. "We aren't going anywhere, promise"


I decided to go home with Gorgia, as that's what they all wanted.

"You go upstairs babe, got to the bathroom and get cleaned up, I'll tell my mum what's going on." She showed a little smile but wiped it away.

I could here Gorgia talking to her mum, while I was upstairs sitting on her bed waiting. The next thing I knew, someone was running upstairs and slammed the door open. She ran towards me and grabbed my cheeks, while the tears came running down both our faces, that just made Gorgia cry. She gave me a tight hug and then spoke.

"Oh my baby... Oh my... Why didn't you tell anyone honey? You could have come and stayed here! We love you Sarah, everyone... If you need to talk to anyone come and get me babe..." She explained looking deeply into my eyes, "I love you" She kissed my forehead, stood up and walked out the door

"Sarah, If you don't want to answer any of my questions you don't have to. But why didn't you tell anyone?" She spoke gently, to let me know she wasn't angry.

My mind went blank... This was the first time I had ever told anyone about it. Why didn't I? Because I didn't want my friends to think my family was bad, which they weren't. They weren't... weren't. Those words haunted me, letting me know my life changed the day my mum passed. I had a happy family, what triggered my dad to go off like that? I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to lose the only last bit of my family. That's why.

"I didn't want to lose my dad. He's my only family I have left." I let a tear slip down my cheek and land in my hand.

"I know, I know. But still... He can't do that to do you, it's not right. He's not your only family babe, you have us" She smiled.

Of cause I knew that they were my family, but I can't live with them. I couldn't destroy their life as well.

"I know it's not right, but I can't move to another state and live with my second cousins, or my grandma. I always ignored their presents, phone calls, everything. I can't just turn up on their doorstep and be like 'Hey guys! I'm going to be living with you from now on because my dad has been abusing me. I never returned your phone calls, and ignored all of your messages, phone calls presents, everything! Hope you don't mind!' Yeah like that's going to happen." I said sarcastically.

"Yep. I understand Sarah..-"

"No you don't Gorgia! You don't understand! Don't even bother pretending to know what's going on because you don't!" I screamed at her while I stormed out of her room.



Everything was all fuzzy, My eyes were tearing up. My hair a mess, my feet sore from running, so the rain didn't help. The last thing I wanted was anyone to talk to me, especially my father. I had no where else to go... I kept running, until I ran into someone. Someone tall, with short brown hair, that looked like was going into a quiff, as that's the new style these days. I had never seen him around here before, maybe he just moved here?...

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry babe..." he muttered.

"N-no I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going, if you excuse me-" I tried to walk away but as always, they didn't let me.

"Are you okay? You're crying, what happened?" He spoke generously.

Wow, he was the sweetest thing. Not knowing me and actually caring for me.

I smiled "I'm f-fine. Nothing you would be interested in, it's okay, thank you for being so kind. Who are you?"

"Oh sorry, how rude of me. Hi, I'm Liam Payne. I just moved here a couple of days ago, and I was just roaming the neighbourhood ..." He smiled, a sweet and precious smile, that could only be brought from angels.

"Oh okay, I would show you around... but I'm not really in the 'friendly mood' today... Well, I'm Sarah Logan, and I've lived here since I was three..." I giggled, and smiled at the ground.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can help Sarah; I'm not a rude or mean person you know." He frowned.

"No it's okay, I've got to go anyway, I'll see you around maybe, Thanks anyway Liam, you're really sweet" I smiled and ran off.


Sorry i haven'y posted the next chapter in ages! I'v ebeen busy and my laptop hasn't been working! So sorry! But it's here now, so enjoy! :) Thank you for reading!! Xx Jade :) <3

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