|Shot 112| • Thanatophobia • |Stenbrough|

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"Yeah, yeah, I...I-I hear you, I understand..."

"Come home, Stan. Both of you, come home"

Come home.

Come home.

The words echoed in Stan's ears as his phone clattered to the ground. The distinctive sound stirred Bill from his place in the kitchen, and he checked the living room for his lover.

"Stanny?" he said, watching Stan sit with his head in his hands. "Stan, what is it?"

He sat down next to him and grasped his shaking hands.

"I can't do it, Bill" Stan whispered. "I can't, I can't do it"

Bill gently moved the stray curls out of Stanley's butterscotch eyes and tenderly kissed his cheek.

"Stan, I'm right here, what's going on? Who was it?"

Stanley calmed down a little and retrieved his phone from the floor. He handed it to Bill.

Bill turned on the phone to see whom last called Stan. It was the Maine area code.



"Derry, Maine..." Bill read. "Why does that sound familiar?"

"I-It's Mike, Bill. You remember Mike Hanlon?"


Mike Hanlon.

Derry Maine.

Mike Hanlon from Derry Maine.

No, it couldn't be...it couldn't be...

"No..." Bill whispered, and gingerly pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I...I feel like I'm gonna be sick...I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Stan excused himself.

He stood up and turned to walk away but Bill gently grasped his hand.

"Stan, are you okay? Do you want me to go up with you or grab you anything?"

Stanley stood silently before embracing Bill, tightly. Although confused, and concerned for Stan, he held Stan tighter.

"I love you, Bill" he said, his voice soft. "I'm just going to go take a bath, to cool off"

"You should take a hot bath" Bill joked, smirking.

Stan smiled a little and embraced Bill once more, taking in his scent and his warmth, before letting him go and slipping upstairs to the bathroom.

He closed the door, locking it behind him and stripped all of his clothes off.

He turned the water on, waiting until it was steaming hot before gradually sliding into the tub.

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