Chapter 4. Darts

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M/n's P.o.v.

I've lived here for quite some time now and I rather enjoyed it. I got to know the bothers and got to know another side of them. It was quite amusing knowing Ayato likes strawberries. The only thing that was annoying about living here was the biting. Everyday I would get bit at least four times, they even had time to bite Yui as well.

As I was lost in thoughts Ayato stormed into my room. "Ore-sama is hungry!" He yelled as he stormed towards me. I prepared myself for another bloodsucking expirience, when I looked up I saw Shuu standing infront of me. "Stop calling yourself Ore-sama, it's quite annoying" Shuu glared at the red head. "You bastard" Ayato mumbled as he disappeard. I laughed while Shuu smirked. I sat onto my bed and layed down. "Heh, thanks for the save there" I said as I rested my hands behind my head. "I don't like it when people touch what's mine" my heart skipped a beat hearing that. 'Dammit how can he say that so easily' I thought as Shuu grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

Suddely he was hovering above me holing my hands beside me, still intertwined. I expected him to bite me like he always does so I turned my head to the side. He let go off of my hand and held my chin gently. I looked at him questioning what his actions were, as he started to get closer to my face. His lips touched mine as he kissed me. My eyes widened but closed soon after. I could feel the warmth coming from his lips, when he suddenly broke the kiss. I looked at him as he smiled at me. It was the most cutest thing I've seen in my life. It was just precious coming from him. I smiled back at him as his eyes started to glow. I nodded when he tried to speak, already knowing the question. He nodded as well when he lifted up my shirt. I flinched at this 'he usually goes for the neck' I thought when I felt his fingers gently touched my stomoach. When he found the spot I could feel him licking it. I gasped and turned my head away from the scene, too embarassed to look. He chuckled while I glared at him. "Are you ready?" He asked, hovering above the place where he wants to bite me. I nodded while he bite into the spot. With his hands he started to explore my body. 'Why does he always needs to make this sexual?' I closed my eyes, enjoying the way Shuu treated me. Normally the vampires would storm into my room and quickly go for my neck, but Shuu was a difrent story. He always needs to do this, I have no clue why but I didn't really mind the treatment.

When Shuu was done he kissed the spot he left a bitemark. He layed next to me, holding my face. "What?" I asked as he started to hug me. "Nothing, your just really cute when I tease you" he said petting my head. "I-I do not!" I replied embarassed. He chukled as we fell asleep.

When I woke up Shuu was gone, so I stood up and dressed myself. I went downstaires to get some breakfast. I arrived at the kitchen to see Sabaru, he was looking through the fridge. "Dammit, where the fuck is it" he said as I walked closer. "What are you looking for Sabaru?" I asked as he turned his head. "Just some apples that I left here, but my idiotic brothers probly took it" he sighed. "Why don't you just eat something else?" He glared at me. "I want apples and nothing else!" He yelled, hitting the counter. I sighed as Sabaru stormed out of the kitchen.

I looked through the cabinets for cornflackes and for milk in the fridge. As I made my breakfast and sat down Ayato walked in grinning to himself. "What's up Ayato?" He jumped at my question. "O-oh M/n I was looking for you, Ore-sama is hungry!" He walked towards me as he grabbed my hand. "I'm trying to eat Ayato, can't it wait?" I tried to stop him but I was already too late. He was going for my neck as he held me firmly in place. I strugled trying to get free 'I just wanted some breakfast, jeez'. He wanted to bite me until he stopped. His hand went over the bitemark Shuu gave me the other day. I could see his smile upsidedown while he teleported me to where Shuu was. Ayato teleported us to the game room, where I saw Shuu laying on the couch.

"Hey! M/n is mine got that?" Ayato yelled at Shuu. "Ayato keep it down, you're being too loud" he replied, getting more on Ayato's nerves. I felt a pain in my chest seeing Shuu not caring about what will happen to me. Looking back, it wasn't the first time someone did that.

As Ayato held my arm close to his mouth he looked at Shuu with a smirk on his face. "So you don't care if I bite him here?~" he was doing it on purpose, trying to get Shuu's nerves. When he opened his mouth Shuu's eyes shot open and glared at him. "Don't you dare" he said angerly. Ayato chuckled. "What about a play of darts, my dear brother?" He said laughing. "Who wins gets to keep him, afterall I need my revenge" he said. Shuu stood up. "Alright" he replied to Ayato. 'Ugh fuck this I just wanted breakfast not a dartcompetition' I was about to walk out of the door when Laito stopped me. "Don't you want to know the outcome?" He grinned. I sighed as I sat back down on the couch.

I looked at the brothers playing darts, seeing that Shuu was going to win. He just needed to hit the bullseye to win and he did. I could see Ayato getting angry at his brother trying to get a rematch but Shuh was already holding my hand. He teleported us back to the kitchen where I saw my meal waiting for me. I was about to let go of his hand when he thighted his grip. "Remember M/n, you're mine now" he said as he kissed me. I was surprised by this and gasped. He took his chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth. As he explored my mouth I closed my eyes not bothering to take control. When our lips disconnected he let go off of my hand and disappeard. I was left with a warm feeling in my stomoach. 'Shuu, why do you make me feel this way?'

Whoops that was fast. I just like writing this book and ideas just keep coming so here you go. Thank you for reading and I will see you later.
P.s. I will still read this chapter for myself and correct my errors

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