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"Get to the plane," I yelled at my family.

   I stopped right between the two trees Ed and Nathan were in. An alarm went off and Doctor E.'s men came after us. Ed, Nathan and I shot down a few but there were too many. We heard the captain yell at us to get in. I looked behind us and saw that the plane was beginning to move.

"We need to get to the plane," I yelled up at Ed and Nathan.

   They nodded and jumped down from the trees. We began to run towards the plane. The men were still chasing us. We reached the plane jumped in and Nathan closed the door behind us. We took off before the men reached the plane. I walked to the back of the plane and sat down. I sighed and then Nathan sat down beside me.

"You ok?" he asked. I smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just kind of tired." I said. 

I rested my head on his shoulder. No one talked for the rest of the ride.

  When we arrived at the agency my parents were taken to the nursery to get checked. Nathan and I headed for Ed's office.

"Another successful mission. Maggie about your parents, we will have to erase all memory of the agency." Said Ed. " Do we have to?" I complained.

Nathan put a hand on my shoulder. Right then Marie and Luciana came into the room.

"Mr. Ed, can we become spies like Maggie?" they asked and gave him the puppy face. "I guess you deserve it," he sighed. 

They ran over to him and hugged him. This surprised him very much but then he smiled and hugged them back.

Later Ed took my parents and memory wiped them so they wouldn't remember the agency.  He had set the memory wiper to knock them out so they would wake up at home as if nothing had happened. Marie, Luciana, Nathan and I got in the car. Nathan was driving us home in his car. It was nighttime so when we got home Nathan carried my parents into their room and put them in bed.

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