The Agency

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We turned off the road and Nathan pressed a button that opened up the dashboard revealing rows of buttons. A screen lifted showing my boss Ed's face. Obviously not wanting to talk to him, Nathan pushed the screen back down. As we neared a wall I took the freedom to press a button revealing an opening in the wall.

"I always do that," said Nathan.

I looked at him and said, "Well, I did it this time."

Nathan smiled but then became serious. "Are you ready for our mission? It's going to be hard."

I laughed. "When has a mission been easy? Well, except for the fake mission when we were kids." Nathan laughed.

We pulled up to the entrance and got out. As we stepped inside, the car disappeared into the basement/garage below. Our secretaries brought us tablets that had all the information about the mission. We are high agents so we have our own secretaries.

"Lucy, how's your family? Any special info for me today?" I asked looking back at Lucy, my secretary.

"Um, the family's fine and you're getting pretty famous around here. You still have a request for special training from the kids. They love and admire you."

I smiled and Nathan and I waved our secretaries away. Nathan was glued to his tablet. I looked down at my screen and it lit up. Our mission would take place in Alaska at night. We would have to sneak into a government building and get a chip with T.S.I. (top secret information).

"Easy peasy," I said looking over the complicated plans.

"Yeah right. It's all just the usual. Super high electric fence, lasers everywhere, alarms, a maze of hallways and doors, and don't forget a guard at each door which is 100 doors." Nathan said examining the tablet. "Don't forget 10 men in front of the safe and 5 men in front of the door of the room. Also, cameras are in every corner of the building. So, let's get going." 

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