Servant? Master?

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I was floating in the void. I had long has it been? A day? A week? A year?

You loose track of time when stuck floating in a void with no sense of direction.

Why didn't I respawn? I should have after I had been blown to shit by that end crystal.

Y/n: this is bullshit!!!

I grabbed my sword, which I had floating next to me and started swing wildly, wishing for a Rusher or an "Ant" I could kill.

But nothing. And soon I stopped out of boredom.

What did I do to deserve this punishment?

As closed my eyes wishing to be alive. Or am I alive and wishing to be dead?

I don't know.

As I waited there for what felt like hours I saw a bright light. I blocked my eyes but it was still there.

Then it stopped and I felt solid ground under my feet.

I grabbed my sword, my shield on my left arm, respawned and ready to kill whatever was in my path but I stopped after I held it up.

In front of me was 4 people. A girl with orange hair and orange eyes, a girl with white with a slight purple rings colored hair and purple eyes who had a massive ass purple and black shield and wore armor of the same type, a women with white hair and golden eyes, and another women with blonde hair and green eyes. Blondie has armor on and had her hand on the hilt of a sword.

Then I noticed the surroundings. Destroyed building, fire and just nothing. A lot like 0,0 minus the fire and building.

Y/n: where am I?

They seemed a small amount shocked at my behavior.

Y/n: I said where am I!!!

Orange jumped, purple and blonde got in front of her in a defensive position and white pointed her finger at me.

I looked at White before bursting out laughing.

White: what's so funny, servant

Y/n: you! You think pointing your finger at me is supposed to scare me? Hahahahahahaha-

I was blasted back by some type of energy.

Once I landed in some rubble I looked back at her to see something surrounding her finger and it smoking.

Y/n: so you have a laser blaster. Great

I pulled myself out of the rubble.

Y/n: now is someone gonna answer me or do I have to beat it out of you?

Blonde: servants don't as-

Y/n: and what is with this servant thing? Jesus Christ. Shut up blondie

Blonde looked offended before rushing at me with her sword.

I placed down a block of obsidian and waited for her to get close.

Once she was near enough I placed down an end crystal and blew it up, making sure to block with my shield.

I looked up to see I had blown her back at purple and she was now on the ground, holding her head.

I noticed her sword at my feet and picked it up.

I looked it over and threw it back to her.

Y/n: someone answer me please. Where am I?

One explanation later

I learned there names, Saber, Mash, Gudako and Olga.

Y/n: so let me get this straight. I'm your servant-

I pointed at Gudako.

Y/n: I have to obey you, I can't get home, and I have to help you solve the problem of this holy grail war bullshit?

Gudako nodded.

Y/n: excuse me for a second

I jumped off a piece of rubble I was sitting on and walked behind one of the building, making sure they couldn't see me.

Gudako POV

Saber: what if he tries to escape master?

Gudoka: I don-

I then heard a stream of curses come from where he went. After the cursing stopped, which it went on for 10 minutes, he walked back.

???: ok I'm done. So where to? Also I'm not calling you Master. Sounds to much like some BDSM stuff

Gudako:...ok. We'll we have to find where the origin started

Mash: so where to?

Olga: we find the source of the singularity and contain it

???: so you mean destroy it

Olga: yes

???: fucking finally!

I jumped back a bit, surprised at his want to kill. He noticed me jumping back.

???: don't fucking judge me! I'll do what I want!

He then started walking off in a direction opposite where we came.

Gudako: hey get back here!

I ran up to him before grabbing his arm.

Gudako: you're supposed to listen to me!

I then heard him mock me. He even tried to imitate me.

???: you're supposed to listen to me. Blah blah blah. I can do what I want because I'm this guy's master!

I paused before I gave a slight giggle.

Gudako: ok. I do sound like that. By the way, what's you're name.

He stopped for a second.

???: just call me "The Unpredictable"

Gudako: ok Unpredictable

Unpredictable: now, you might want to stand back

Gudako: wh-

I was cut off as he shoved to to the ground, an arrow wizzing by, right where I was standing before.

Unpredictable: 1 second "sweetheart"

He then rushed towards the approaching foes.

I felt my cheek heat up as he called me sweetheart, even though it was sarcasm. I don't know why though.


Y/n: come on boneheads! Come at me!


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