New allies

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I can't believe we're doing this.

We retreated to a forest after defending what was left of that fort, to kill any monsters that could pose a threat.

Earlier it had been getting late. So I fly off, leaving Mash and Jeane to protect Gudako, who needed sleep.

But now it was early in the day. A bit after sunrise.

I stayed up all night, flying around, making sure everything in the area was ok.

Now I was flying back.

As I flew back I saw something appear, a large beam of light, appear right where the others were.

Panicking, personally I don't know why I panicked as they are just my ticket for my own revenge, I started flying back as fast as I could.

But before I could get there I felt pain.

Not physical pain. I had no wounds at all.

Not mental pain, I know what that feels like and it wasn't that.

But I grabbed my head.

It felt like I had the wither effect, but 20 times worse.

Because of this I couldn't keep myself flying and crashed into the ground.

Pain overwhelmed me. And it went dark. But I didn't stop screaming.


Gudako POV

I heard yelling in the forest. It happened just as the servants I had just summoned appeared.

Before I could respond, the one on the horse, Altria alter, a different form of Artoria, had rode towards it.

A few minutes later, she was dragging back Y/n, who was still screaming in pain.

I was in shock, staring at him. What was hurting him?!

Altria Alter: should I dispose of him master?

Gudako; no, no! He's one of my servants, who I summoned awhile ago

I ran over to him in a hurry.

I saw Mash, who also ran to him, bend down to him and look him over.

I did the same.

No wounds, his armor not even scratched.

But it was in his eyes, which I saw it. His eyes, pupils, were changing rapidly. Hey kept changing to different servant class symbols, specifically the classes which I had summoned.

Lancer, Saber, Caster, Berserker, Avenger and Archer.

Then, his pupils stopped changing, going back to normal.

His screaming quieted along with it.

He closed him eyes, taking in a few breaths. Then his eyes opened.

And he moved backwards quickly.

Y/n: when did you get here?!

I was confused.

Gudako: you didn't see me? Or any of us?

He looked behind me, seeing the new servants.

Then he shook his head.

Y/n: i-it went dark. I couldn't see anything, hear anything, nothing!

Gudako: are you ok?

His breathing quickened, before he shook his head.

Y/n: yeah, I believe

He stood himself up, collapsing once before Mash helped him stand.

Y/n: so, what just happened?

Altria: our master summoned some more servants

I heard him groan.

Y/n: does this mean I have to deal with more people?

Mash: yes

He walked out of Mash's hold, which was just to help him stand.

He walked away, out of view.

I covered my ears.

Tamamo Cat: is everyt-

She was cut of as Y/n started cursing his heart out. Even with my ears covered, he was loud enough that I could hear every single word.

Time skip

I readied my spear as I approached my target.

The others were back where we had been through last night.

In from of me, I could see a deer. A large buck. Good food.

I readied my spear to through it through its heart. I readied to through it.

Mash: Y/n?

I was caught of guard, throwing my spear and missing it by inches.

The deer was now on the run.

Mash: Y/n, what are you doing?

I didn't listen anything she said as I started running at the fleeing animal.

Mash POV

I saw Y/n start running towards the animal and I couldn't help myself to be sad for him. He would never catch up.

But just as I thought that I saw Y/n leap for it he glowed and for a second I thought he turned into a wolf, tackling it to the ground.

I saw him stab it through the heart with his sword.

He then picked it up.

He walked back to me, grabbing his spear in the process.

Y/n: I was getting food

He then walked back me, back towards the others.

I ran up to him.

Mash: did you turn into a wolf for a second?

Y/n: no. But people have said when I leap like that I look like a wolf. So I, along with being called the Unpredictable, was sometimes called "Lone Wolf" since after the Ant war, I tended to stay away from joining any groups. It was a nickname I accepted.

I just stopped talking now, to think it through.

I looked at him and saw something around his neck. A necklace. With an emblem of a wolf.

Now I understood it a bit more. Either it was just a coincidence or that necklace gave him power. I don't know.

Later when we got back he started a fire and cooked his kill, making sure everyone had part of it.

He made sure we had some, saying we all needed energy, even if we were servants. He also made sure Gudako had some, not eating till all of us were good.

Then we started back on our way.

After that experience I wondered what was happing in his head, wether he actually cares about us or not.


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