Attack of a Shadow

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I stopped as I heard a voice. But I slowly unsheathed my sword and slipped a totem of undying into my hand under my shield.

Saber took notice of my stopped while the others didn't for a few more feet.

Saber: why did you st-

Y/n: run

I turned around and blocked a chain with my sword.

Gudako: wha-

Y/n: I said run! I can buy you a few minutes!

I rushed at the attack but I had to block a large hook.

???: I guess I'll have a few less trophies trophies then I hoped for. Oh well

The women, who was in a purple cloak backed up.

I sheathed my sword and pulled out my bow and started firing arrows.

Y/n: fight me bitch!

She either dodged or blocked my flaming arrows.

???: I thought the archer was already taken out

Y/n: just fight me!

I ran at her, drawing my sword and I was about to swing before my arm was wrapped by a chain.

???: and another trophy for me. You're friends will be next

I tried to move but found I was being turned to stone.

My senses went dark. That is until the totem brought me back.

The stone I was trapped in broke and I ran at the women, who had started for the others.

I caught her off guard, managing a stab into her side.

She turned and looked at me surprised

???: how?

Y/n: magic

She tried to wrap another chain around me but I backed up and started running for rubble. I needed to set my own traps.

As I got to cover and was about to say an end crystal I saw something blow her back. I ducked back into cover.

Then I heard a male voice.

???: and stay away from others Lancer

I heard more explosions and fighting before it went quiet. I looked up to see Mash, Saber and that other guy had defeated this "Lance".

Saber: you coward!

Saber ran at me and I had to block her attack.

Y/n: sometimes you have to fight and sometimes you run! I was going to set a trap for that person! But you people took care of her! So shut your yap

She swung again and I blocked and hit the sword from her hand into the air. That surprised her and she took a step back. I caught her sword as it fell to the ground.

Y/n: where I come from, unless you part of a faction which I am not, it's every person for themselves. The Veterans were a group of long timers. I joined to help fight back. I still have that mindset so if I do anything for only myself, that's why. Also-

I tossed her her sword.

Y/n: you could use some better sword training. Your to predictable

I sheathed my sword before walking back to the others. I turned my attention to the guy.

Y/n: you are?

???: Cú Chulainn

Y/n: I'm known as The Unpredictable. So just call me something like that

Cú: you do not trust others

Y/n: if you grew up where I had lived you would understand it. No rules, you can't trust anyone. Unless you all have a common interest, it's hard to trust people

Cú: well, sounds like a hard life

I nodded.

Gudako; so who are you exactly? And what happened here?

He started explaining who he is and what went on here. I only realized we were by a lake now.

With all the destruction I could easily see it being spawn. People dying left and right and others in diamond armor, killing them. I once participated in doing that to, against the Rushers and the Ants.

I small smile crossed my face. Memories.

Olga: what are smoking about ser-

Y/n: A. Shut the fuck up. B. I'm just thinking about how this place reminds me of home

Olga: destruction reminds you of home?!

Y/n: you don't know what I've been through and what my home is like

She stopped talking after that.

But Gudako came up to me, but after Cú stopping talking.

Gudako: sorry for pulling you from your home

Y/n: don't be. Something happened and I didn't respawn as I should of. I had been stuck in that void for an unknown amount of time. It's hard to keep track of time in a void, am I right?

I gave her a small smile and she returned it.

Gudako; so, Unpredictable, why does this place remind you of home? It's death and destruction

Y/n: when...when you first appear your in spawn, as I told you earlier. And it's full of nothing, down to bedrock. If you go to spawn and your not prepared you will die but if you are prepared you still might die. And there's death everywhere! People have taken up killing the invaders when they spawn in. I've had to do it myself on multiple occasion but I have a better excuse then "because it fun" because to me it's not!

I sighed.

Y/n: sorry. You're just easy to talk to

Gudako: it's fine. Some people just need to vent

I nodded.

Y/n: so how many of these "shadow servants" are left

Gudako: Berserker, Archer and Saber. Berserker we will not be fighting. Cú Chulainn said he'll take care of Archer. We'll be going after Saber. It will be risky though

Y/n: got it. Then

I took out a totem of undying and looked at it.

Y/n: we'll just have to cheat death. A lot


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