Alter Saber vs The Unpredictable

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We were walking towards the source of the singularity. We were almost there.

Awhile back we ran into the Shadow Archer. Cú Chulainn stayed back to take care of him. A personal vendetta basically.

So as we reached the area it was nothing more than flatlands.

No life, no building, nothing. An other looking cliff but nothing more.

But I saw 1 person.

As I looked closer I realized they were a carbon copy of Saber, but more pale and wearing black and red, instead of blue and steel gray.

Saber?: it seems that someone has arrived

I drew my sword and held a totem of undying under my shield.

Gudako: who is that?

Olga: an alter form of Saber. She's the form of all her rage and hate

I stayed silent.

Mash: is she the cause of the singularity?

Alter: maybe I am, maybe I'm not

How can she hear us? You know what I don't care.

I ran at the alter and swung my sword.

Mash: Y/n!

The alter form jumped back avoiding my sword.

Alter: you seem full of rage

Y/n: try being pulled out of your home and appearing in another wasteland. It's not enjoyable

Alter: understandable. But you seem like a guys I could get along with

I ran at her, swinging again and she blocked.

Alter: just join me. I can make you life better

I felt my anger grow.

Y/n: never. I'm not the bad guy here. You are

She kicked me away.

Alter: then I have no choice but to kill you

She ran at me and our sword clashed.

I bashed her with my shield and swung.

She blocked and I could see a crack appear in my sword.

I kept swinging violently but she kept blocking.

Then when our swords clashed one more time, my sword shattered.

Y/n: shit!

I was forced to block with my shield and get away from her.

I pulled out my bow and started firing flaming arrows.

She kept blocking them.

I was forced to use other tactics.

I pulled my pick out and started digging down, covering the hole with obsidian as I went.

I cleats a small gap in which I placed down a shulker box and took out another sword.

I picked it up and mined up being where she was standing.

I hit her once, but it did nothing to her!

She spun around, glaring at me.


She swung at me, hitting my armor.

I heard a crack. She kept swinging at me, faster than I could keep up.

She wasn't going all out before. Now she is.

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