First pissed then angry

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So after learning who everyone who was just summoned was, I was ready to kill half of them.

One of them was Saber Alter. Or Artoria Alter. The normal Artoria was Saber.

She will not fucking stop bothering me for a rematch.

So after at least 10 minutes of getting back to what our goal here was I snapped at her.

Y/n: shut the fuck up!

She just looked at me in shock before smirking.

Alter: only if yo-

I swept her legs out from under her and she fell flat on her back.

Y/n: there, rematch done. Now shut the fuck up!

I left her or get up herself, heading to the front of the group.

Up there was Jeanne.

As we walked she gave me a slightly worried look.

Jeanne: are you ok?

Y/n: yeah, just peachy. Of course not!

She flinched a bit but otherwise didn't react.

I saw her eyes wander to my spear, which at the moment I was using as a walking stick.

She her eyes went to my shield, or more specifically the banner.

Jeanne: are you part of some religion? Is that what the flag is for?

Y/n: yes. But also no. It's not a religion, more or a group. A group of people who handed together to push back invaders. We called ourselves "Team Veteran"

Jeanne: have you thought of using that spear as a flag also?

Y/n: I'm sorry?

She showed me her weapon, her flag thing. While it was a spear on one side, on the other was a gold and white banner.

Jeanne: like this

Y/n: no. I only just picked this thing up after taking down a small scouting party, when we first arrived

Jeanne: here let me see it. Do you have spare flag?

I raised my eyebrow and I handed her my spear, then reached into my inventory and pulling out a spare banner. I handed that to her also.

I saw her take the banner and attach it, somehow, to the end of the spear, close to the spear tip, but just under it.

Then she wrapped it around my spear and handed it back to me.

Jeanne: like that

I looked at the spear, the black and grey banner, before resuming to using it as a walking stick.

Y/n: it'll do

Jeanne: is something wrong?

Y/n: everything. I hate half the people Gudako just summoned already, the other half I don't know and my head had been messing with me lately

Jeanne: maybe you just need a break from everything

I sighed.

Y/n: that would be nice

Once we left the forest I saw a town a small amount away.

Using my raw speed, I ran ahead of everyone, running straight to the town.

But it was destroyed.

Little remained.

Everyone was dead.

We weren't fast enough.

Just like...


We rode the highways, approaching Asgard 2. The only problem was the rumors I heard about it.

It was being griefed.

So I had dropped what I was doing and rode straight for it.

But I was too late.

It was destroyed.

Little remained.

Everyone was dead.

Flashback end

I clutched my head as those memories came back.

Then I heard voices. Little more than whispers.

???: let it take over

???: it will not harm you

???: nothing will happen

If I knew it would be bad.

Y/n: get out of my head!

I hit my head over a piece of wood.

The voices disappeared.

I let go, before going through the town, slaughtering any enemy that was in my way.

But no one was there. They all were dead.

Saddened, I don't know why as I'd usually feel nothing, I returned to the others.

But I was stopped.

Someone had found them first.

Several people in fact.

But I saw them fighting.

And my own rage, knowing that those people did this, took over.

I ran straight at them, my necklace glowing and I pounced.

As soon as I left the ground I turned into the wolf.

Wolf bite.


2b2t male reader x Fate Ground OrderWhere stories live. Discover now