Chapter 16 - Just Us

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       Both of the boys woke up in the afternoon. Which was good for Michael's plan. The sun was gonna start to go down in a few hours so Michael had to keep him busy. The both of them had been sitting on the couch watching TV. Michael kept going through different way that the night could go in his mind. He was gonna text Jeremy asking for advice but he decided that he needed to think of ways this would go on his own. "Hey Rich? I have an idea for something to do tonight." Michael got Rich's attention.

       Could this be Rich's chance? Rich's heart started to beat and beat. "Hm? What's that?" Rich said. "Well, I was thinking we could go for a walk in the park tonight. We can leave here as the sun starts to go down and then watch the sun go down as we walk. Also a night time picnic would be a part of it." Michael suggested. Rich's face lit up. His eyes were beaming with happiness. "That would be awesome Michael. Would anyone else come?" Rich wanted to make sure it was going to be the two of them. 

       "No, just us." Michael assured Rich. Rich let out a quiet sigh of relief. Rich was so nervous. What if Michael wasn't going to say anything? What if Michael just wants to be bros and have many no homo moments? Rich wanted full homo. Yeah he's bi but he had started to like the male side of the spectrum. He started to worry that this was just going to be another hang out thing and Rich worried that he would have to live with this crush until it crushes itself. He shook his head and was able to clear his mind a little and calm down. 

       "This is going to go wrong. I'm calling it." Michael thought to himself. He started to full on panic but he had to use all of his power to hold it inside. He was going to explode at some point so every now and then he would screech a little. He almost wanted to take an edible to get his mind off of things but then that would screw everything up cause when Michael eats just one edible he gets fucked up. His mind needed to work for tonight. This was probably the most important night in Michael's life. More important than the night him and Jeremy had in 8th grade. He needed a night to be more important than that one anyway. I mean, Michael loved that night but it was the weirdest in his life. 

       It was finally 5:30 which was the time where the sun usually starts to go down. Michael grabbed his backpack that still had 'Riends' glowing on it and packed a blanket and some snacks for him and Rich. They hopped into Michael's PT cruiser and headed for the park. Michael decided to turn on love songs from the 80s to kinda set the mood. Michael loved the 80s. You never had to worry about being stopped by the cops, you could walk down the street and do whatever without getting possibly kidnapped and every human being was more chill with anything anyone did. Michael wished he lived in that period of time.


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