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Khairs POV

At every touch he made on me, I felt shivers and electric sparks in my body. he held me so tight that I could barely move, my body was paining from every angle because of his manly grip. He let go of me, But in a harsh manner which inflicted pain on my back.

I sat there crying hard like a lonely puppy. why me?, He's wicked, I hate him. I hate him because he is wicked and disrespectful, he has no respect for a woman.

Finally, I drifted into a slumber that held many messages passed to me through nightmare's.


"Allahu Akbar" That was the call of the Adhan that woke me up, I guess it was probably because we leave close to the mosque. I got up from where I slept which was on the floor, I saw that Aaron was out of the room and I felt at ease. I walked into the toilet and performed my Ablution and then came out, I laid the praying mat and prayed to Allah. I explained all my problems to my rabb even though I know he knows them more than I do.

It took me almost 30 minutes to finish praying and when I was done I decided to take my bath, I bathed and
wore a long jalabiya and I tied my veil over my head like a turban.

I was at the vanity table rubbing some body cream when I heard the door open and I knew who it was. yeah, definitely the rude Prince Aaron jamal.

"Asalamualaikum" he said Immediately he entered into the room.

"Walaikumussalam" I responded still focused on applying my cream on my skin.

I was done applying the lotion on my body so I decided to leave his room Because just the sight of him makes me uneasy. Especially because of how he touched me last night.

"Where do you think you're going to?" His deep manly voice stopped me from leaving the room.

"I'm just going to the living room" I said without Sparing him a glance.

"OK then" he said as he walks to the bathroom. While I walked out and went into the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast. I looked around and I finally found where the pots and ingredients were kept in the corner of the cabinet.

I prepared a sandwich because that was the easy food available for making. I made four sandwich with a green tea.

I placed his on the dining table and proceded in eating mine, I ate only one sandwich and gulped down my cup of hot green tea.

"Who is this food for?" He asked the moment he stumped into the livingroom, how can someone this handsome be wicked as well.

"Its yours" I answered him. Without sparing him a glance.

"Well you wasted your time because I am not gonna eat this garbage" He said and sincerely I became furious.

I stood up to leave but suddenly I fell "subhanala" I exclaimed as I fell flat on my face.

"What is wrong with you?" Aaron asked while running to where I was in the cold floor.

I started crying because I was bleeding on my head. "you are bleeding" he said while helping me up. wow, how did he become nice All of a sudden.

"Wait there I'll get the first aid box" he said before walking into the kitchen. I
He came back after a while and he tried helping me clean my wound but being the stubborn girl that I am, I said I could do I myself.

"I Am okay" I said making him clean harder which made me feel more pain.

"You're hurting me" I said, I held back the tears in me.

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