twenty six

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Aaron's POV

I woke up to the feeling of the cool breeze of the mansion, it was quit a nice view from up here where i stood on the balcony. I'm in Nigeria right now and I'm standing on the terrace watching our new neighbors who seemed to had bought the old mansion next to ours.

"Hey uncle" A cute little girl of about three years old shouted my name as she caught me staring at her.

"Hello cup cake" I shouted back at her and she ran towards the fence where I'll be able to sight her properly.

"What's your name cup cake?" I asked and she giggled before answering me.

"I'm Nailah Mubarak samiu" she said in her amazing American accent.

"Can we be friends?" I yelled to her hearing and she shouted a yes.

"What are you doing playing in this cold weather?" I asked and she gave me a quick response, she was a sharp child.

"I'm playing with my sister, we're playing hide and seek and I'm seeking. uncle will you help me find her?" she said and all I did was to chuckle at her cute nature.

"There she is" I said pointing behind a big tree which seemed to be a guava tree.

"Yayyyy..found you" she yelled as she found the little girl who hid behind the tree.

"No,You cheated" she said in a pout as she came out of her hiding spot.

"Meet my new friend" she said as she drags her towards me.

"Hey princess" I said as the little fair girl walked towards me in her little hijab, They both looked so cute.

"Hi uncle" she said shyly and I chuckled at that, she's just so cute.

"What your name?" I asked and she raised her head to answer me.

"I'm Nai'a" she said while giggling cutely.

"Awnn you guys are twins?" I asked.

"Yea but I am older" Nailah was quick at giving a response which made me chuckle.

"And how's that?" I asked.

"Because mumy said I came out first so that means I'm the eldest" she said and I just chuckled at her smartness and grammar.

"Ok you're the eldest but I'm the fairest" Nai'a said making Nailah chase her playfully but suddenly little Nai'a fell on her face and I was shocked and scared at the same time so i ran in full speed to their compound which I now stood.

"Sorry princess" I said as I helped little Nai'a up from the ground.

"Thank you uncle, you're a her" she said making me chuckle.

"Uncle can you give me a donkey ride?" Nailah said and I couldn't resist but peck her little cheeks.

"Of course love, I'll give you a donkey ride" I said as I bent down in a crawling posture to give them a donkey ride and thank god their house is full of grass so my sweat pant won't get that dirty.

"Yayyyy..." she yelled as she climbs on my back and I was so happy because I'm really having fun with them and I feel like staying here forever with this little bundle of joy that make me forget my sorrow.

"My turn" Nai'a said making Nailah growl.

"But I asked first" Nailah said pouting and that reminds me of khair and how she looks cute when she pout's.

"oK you can both ride but hold on tight" I said making them giggle.

"Yayyyy" they yelled as they hooped on and we had so much fun and I wished it wouldn't end but it had to when I heard my mum calling me out loud.

"Aaron!" She yelled and I had to stop and go to her.

"Sorry kids, my mumy is calling" I said making them laugh.

"So you have a mumy, aren't you too big to have a mumy?" Nailah being the talkative said making me laugh hysterically.

"I'll answer you next time cup cake. my mumy is calling but before I go I'll give you my cell phone number so that we'll talk on the phone" I said.

"Do you have a phone?" I asked and the both nodded in the positive.

"Yeah we have a phone and a tablet" they said and I was glad that I'll be able to talk to them again.

"Ok who has a paper because I have got a pen" I said and Nai'a ran to the veranda and got a paper where I wrote my number and I asked them to promise they'll call .

And Nai'a said," I twin promise" she said making me chuckle.

"Alright then, bye my love" I gave them both a hug before leaving for Ummi.

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