thirty three

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I was inside the house talking with Mubarak Pin clips to always keep them here when zarah came running inn, with tears in her eyes.

"I can't find the kids" she said and my heart immediately skipped a beat.

"where did they go to?" My voice came out rather too loudy as I ran around the house. We searched everywhere but we couldn't find them, I got extremely scared.

"Did anybody come in here?" I asked as soon as I got to the security post.

"Yeah that woman who came yesterday" he said and I knew who it was, it was definitely zafira. I ran to Aaron's house and luckily for me I saw him and I told him about my Kidd's and what zafira did.

"Zafira isn't at home" his voice held great fear.

"Khair, Khair" Mubarak yelled my name as soon as he came in.

"Yes"i responded while turning around to face him "Do remember those watch we gave the twins " he said and I nodded.

"Yes the GPS watch, can it be tracked?" i said.

"Yeah it can and I'm already on it" Mubarak said while staring at his phone. Aaron on the other hand was on a call with the inspector general of police whom he was narrating the case to.

"Well I've spoken to the police and they've organized a search team for zafira, and She'll be caugh. they are the airport, train station, and at every check point here in Nigeri. zafira stands no chance of escaping" Aaron said.

"Walah...." Mubarak exclaimed with big smile gracing his face.

"What's up?" I asked nervously as I stood before him.

"I've already tracked them, lets go Aaron. There's no time to waste" he said while putting on his shoe properly.

"I'll come with you" I said while knotting my veil.

"Khair stay here please, zafira might do something else to you" Aaron said and I nodded.

"Okay, but promise me you'll bring my Nai'a and nailah back safely" i held his hand tightly and he nodded.

"I promise" he said "okay let's go" he said before leaving with Mubarak.

Khair pov
Aunty kamila, I thought as I ran upstairs where I found my mumy sleeping peacefully. so I sat on her bed slowly and I saw her open her eyes gently and I hugged her before she could even sit upright.

"Khairat" She said in a sleepy voice and I hugged her even more tightly with tears cascading down my cheeks.

"where's Aaron" She asked while sitting upright, "Aaron went out" I said while holding her hand.

"where have you been all this years?" she asked, "its long story" came my reply.

"And I can't wait to hear it all" she said and I narrated everything to from the day it all started. by the time I was done talking, we both had tears in our eyes.

"You've suffered a lot" she said "yes I suffered but its time to suffer now" I said and she nodded.


We drove for quit a long time but finally we arrived at rigarsa Kaduna because that was where the GPS brought us to.

"Aaron they are moving at a slow pace" he said as he walked slowly and gently, after some while we got closer to them and we finally found them sitting under a big bus with tears in their eyes.

"Come babies" Mubarak and I said in unison as we picked them up.

"Dadiee she's a witch" Nailah said in tears, and I felt like killing zafira with my bare hands "Alhamdudilah we found them" Mubarak said while picking up Nai'a.

"Let's go" I said, I was about to walk when a call from my phone came through and I immediately picked it up.

"Aaron, we found Zafira" the IG of police said and a smile immediately graced my lips.

"Really?, And where is she right now?" I asked.

"yeah, she's in our custody and she's busy shouting at my men. She a big fool, she say's you'll make us pay" the police said in a chuckle.

"make you pay my foot, I'll be there in some hours" I said.

"ok we'll be waiting" he said

"Thank you so much sir" I said

"its my pleasure working for you prince Aaron Jamal" he said before hanging up.

"That was the inspector general of police and he said zafira has been found and is in their custody right now" I said to mubarak who smiled cheerfully.

"That's good news Aaron" he said while placing Nai'a and Nailah at the back seat of the car.

I can't wait to go to Zafira, I'll make her pay and divorce her today. Zafira your time is up.

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