Thirty one

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Aaron's POV

I wanted to start up my car and drive back home because I'm sure they won't be able to catch up with their flight and I'll wait for them in their house. but when I saw Nailah running outside in tears yelling the name hero, I got out of my car and watched how Khair caught her and hugged her tightly. but suddenly Khair fell to the ground but Alhamdudilah I was there to save her, I got her up and took her into my car where I drove to the hospital where Khair spent over two days, while Nai'a and Nailah stayed with aunty zarah, their nanny.

I spoke to the doctor and he told me that she's suffering from a memory lost and that explains why she's acting like this, but I'll fix things inshaAllah.

She woke up after two days and Nai'a and Nailah were there to comfort her.

I came in and we spoke and she even told me that a woman called 'Jamima' told her that I was responsible for her condition but Alhamdudilah I managed to convince her, and now my one and only mission is to restore Khair memory and, to find out who Jamima is. For all I know she might be responsible for khairs dismissal.

"Excuse me" Khair said as soon as I walked into the hospital room.

"What's up?, Do you need something?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, can you please arrange for my car to be brought out of the airport?" she said.
"I already brought your car out of the airpot. its even at your house" i said while picking up my beeping phone, it was ringing so I decided to check the caller ID and I saw that it was zafira and she had previously left twenty missed call, how annoying.

"hello zafira" I said, I knew it came out rudely but what do I care.

"hey where are you" she asked.

"I'm with my friends" I had to lie to her because no one should be trusted.

"OK I was just worried, you didn't come home for two days" she said.

"yeah, i was just catching up with them" I said.

"I miss you"

"okay, Bye" I said, I don't know why but I feel a bit irritated by her.

when I was done making the call, I decided going back into the hospital room which I had absentmindedly left in other to make the call. Immediately I came in, I saw an American man seating besides khair who was soundly asleep. He had Nai'a and Nailah in his arms and they conversed happily with him tickling and making them laugh. I smiled at the sight before me.

Aaron's pov
"Asalamualaikum" I said as I came inn.

"Hero!" Nai'a and Nailah ran to give me a bone crushing hug.

"Hero, meet daddie" they said while dragging me to meet their so called dad shook me and thanked me for saving khairs life.

"No problem, she is my wife" I said sofly and his facial expression changed.

"Can I speak to you in private?" he said and I followed him outside where we sat to talk.

"Are you certain about what you had previously said?" He asked and I nodded which brought a smile to his face.

"Yeah, I'm certain" I said while scrolling tbrough my cell phone, I tapped ony video's and showed him a video which khair and I made using Snapchat.

"Wow, She's indeed your wife" he said after seeing how she had pecked me in the pictute "yes and I am trying to tell her but she isn't believing me" I said sofly feeling my eyes burn from Tears which were threatening to spill.

"That means the kids are yours?" He asked and I nodded in certainty "she was pregnant before she went missing" I said.

"yeah she was, InshaAllah She'll regain her memory" he said and I muttered an Ameen.

"But please how did you find her?" I asked and he began telling me how he met my Khair and then I was certain it was a planed murder because she was shot for crying out loud.

"And that was how I found her" he said.

"And she was like a week pregnant right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Insha Allah khair will be Alright"I said.

"Khair?, That was the first name she had ever said, then she called Aaron" he said and I smiled, knowing fully that there is hope that khair will regain her memory.

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