twenty four

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"Mammie get better soon" Nai'a said while staring at me through a video call.

"I'm better now darling" i said woyj a smile gracing my lips.

"Please make sure Nai'a doesn't take chocolate for the week and Nailah doesn't take ice cream for the week" I said to Aunty Islam their Nanny and aunty Islam nodded Before turning off the phone.

"So how are you feeling now?" Mubarak asked as he make me a chocolate tea on my request.

"I feel okay but the flashes, it keeps coming back" I did while collecting my chocolate tea from Mubarak.

"The doctor said that its a good sign, it might help you recover your memory" he said while sipping his chocolate tea.

"If I may ask, What's the cause of my memory lost?" I asked trying to control the tears in my eyes.

"Its water, it reached your brain here by making you lose your memory" Mubarak said as he adjusted the pillow for maleeka.

"Uhm.. The flashes" I as I gripped my head tightly. In my flashes, I see a man burning a towel and asking me never to touch it.

"Aaron" Immediately those words left my mouth, I found myself blacking out as darkness engulfed me.



laid on the hospital bed feeling dizzy and sleepym the only voices I heard was the voice of Mubarak and the doctor.

"She's awake" A tall nurse of about my height said as she noticed my eyes wide open and staring at her.

"Maleeka are you okay?" Mubarak asked and I nodded in the positive.

"Don't worry the flashes are good signs and, the name you called. You remember right?" the doctor said as he fixed my drip.

"Yeah Aaron" I said.

"Don't stress your self too much, get some rest my dear" the doctor said as the nurse injected me, so I dozed off into a peaceful slumber.

"Get well soon my dear" those were the last words I heard before I dozed off.

I slept for close to six hours but finally I'm awake and I'm even playing my favorite game on my phone, its called cooking fever.

"Maleeka" Mubarak yelled as he came in. "You startled me" I placed my hand on my chest while dropping my phone.

"Yeah sorry, I'm just so happy" He said as he dragged a chair and sat before me.

"Maiye paru? (what happened)" I said while tying my veil properly on my head, oblivion to the language I had just spoken.

"Excuse me?, What language is that?" He asked with a confuse expression on his face.

"I also don't know, it just came out" I said as I banged my head playfully.

"Well I think some memory's are coming back" he said with a smile gracing his face.

"Yeah I think so" I mumbled.

"But wait let me browse the language you just spoke ,you said Maiya par, right?" I asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I did" I said as I passed my phone to him. he browsed the sentence Maiya paru and a whole lot of answers flooded his screen.

"Maya paru a Hausa word which means what happened or what's wrong" He read out loud what was on thr screen.

"So if Maiya paru is a Hausa word so I'll have to browse the word Hausa" he said as he typed the word Hausa which earned him a whole lot of answers.

"Hausa, a language which is spoken in the northern part of Nigeria" he read out loud.

"Nigeria? It's a country right?" I asked as I sat up from the bed where I laid.

"Yeah its an African country" he said while switching on the television.

"I think you're a Nigerian" he said as he changed the TV Chanel.

"Yeah I'll have to go there then" I said and he nodded with all his attention on the television .

"You're awake" The doctor said as he walked in.

"Yea sir I'm awake" I said while stretching my arms.

"Yeah and there's an improvement" Mubarak said.

"What's the the improvement?" The doctor said with so much enthusiasm in his voice.

"She said Maiya paru and we all know its not an English word and I've browsed it and its Hausa and it a Nigerian language so I guess I have to take her to Nigeria" Mubarak said.

"Yeah you have to take her there and I'm very sure She'll regain her memory if she's shown Nigeria" the doctor said and I smiled.

"Ok we'll be going to Nigeria InshaAllah" Mubarak said and I swear I can't wait to go there, my own country! I guess.

"We'll take Nai'a and Nailah since they are on vacation" I said and Mubarak nodded.

"NIGERIA HERE I COME" I thought as I joined Mubarak in watching the carton, seems like they are showing sponge Bob square pant.

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