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I felt bad about the injury I inflicted on khair, I didn't mean to. I didn't know my anger could make me do such a thing.

Khair laid on my chest peacefully, though I don't love her. She looked so pale and disturbed, I could feel her heart beat accelerate at a very fast pace.

"Khair let go and find something to eat, I am starving" I said and she nodded while standing up from my chest.

"Alright, let me cook something for you. What would you like?" She asked with a Charming smile gracing her perfectly curved lips.

"Chips and egg!" I said and she smiled with a nod.

We walked over to the kitchen where I sat on the kitchen island watching her bringing out all the pots from the cupboard. She got up and searched the top cupboard.

"There's no egg. Should I make you Rice and stew" she said and I made a sad pout.

"I don't like Nigerian food" I said truthfully.

"why?. Why don't you like Nigerians?" She asked Calmly.

"like I said, I lost my mum because of Nigeria. My dad Nigeria because of this country" I said.

"how?, If I may know" she faced the gas cooker and placed a pot on it.

"Alright, ten years ago" with that said we embarked on a train of flashbacks.


"Where's Jamila?" Aunty kamila shouted with frustration Audible in her tone. She searched the whole house for little jamila but couldn't find her, she searched all over the entire house but it was to no avail. She felt scared.

"Aaron, where's your sister?" Aunty  kamila screamed at Seventeen years old Aaron who was busy on his game pad.

"Ummie I think she's at the back yard  she's playing there with her doll" Aaron said.

"OK" Aunty  kamila said as she runs to the back yard to find her 7 years old daughter lying on the floor, she looked lifeless.

"Jamila" She screamed at the the sight of her child.

She ran over to her picked her up in her arm and runs to where the car was parked with Aaron following behind her.

They both entered into the car where Aunty kamila drove them to the general hospital where jamila would be checked on.

Jamila was rushed to the emergency ward, while Aunty kamila and Aaron sat in the waiting room.

"Ummie Jamila will be okay?" Aaron said in comforting tone to his mum.

"I pray so" she said and Aaron smiled at his poor mum.

They both sat on the bench with nothing but Dua finding their way out of both their lips "Habibty" the voice of a worried prince Jamal was heard as he ran towards his pained wife.

"Jamal" She said the minute she saw her husband walking over to her.

"You stupid woman" Jamal's mum, Queen salma shouted at the sight of aunty kamila. though aunty kamila and Prince Jamal were still married . Aunty kamila only came to bauchi to see her mum.

"Umma, Asalamualaikum" she said while doing a courtesy.

"Stop your drama" She snapped at Aunty kamila who bowed her head in shame.

"Ummul can't you see that she is hurting, please let her be"  Aaron snapped back at his grandma which got him a glare from his dad. "Dad, Jamila" he said the minute he saw his sister being pushed out of the hospital room.

"Doctor!" They all yelled in unison as they ran towards a sad looking doctor.

"What happened?, Where's my child? Is she OK?" Aunty kamila bombarded the doctor with questions.

"I am sorry ma'am, she's dead" the doctor said, he couldn't control his emotions as tears made their way down the doctors eyes.

"Dead, how?" Aunty kamila couldn't believe her ears.

"she's dead" the doctor repeated afaun.

In'nalilahiwa'inal'raji'un" Said Prince Jamal as he hugged Aaron.

"Here's her body" A ward boy said as he pushed Jamila's body towards her family.

"Jamila!" Screamed Aaron as he runs to his sister and holds her hand.

"Get up, we haven't finished playing our game" he said, he didn't know what was wrong with him. He felt insane as he stared at his sister's body.

"Jamila please don't do this to me" he said while pulling Jamila into a hug. He couldn't control his pain.

Aunty kamila on the other hand could not even cry, she sat there while Queen salma rained insult at the poor woman.

"I warned you not to marry this Nigeria garbage, but you did. now you see" she said to a deaf Prince Jamal. he Was busy crying for the lost of his beloved daughter.

Prince Jamal, Aaron. And Aunty kamila cried for the lost of their child and sister but what could they do, they had to let go.

They performed her burial rights and were done with that so the decided to go get jamilas report from the hospital. in those reports they'll find out the cause her death.

"What!" Aunty kamila and Prince Jamal yelled in unison as they found out what caused little Jamilas death.

"Yeah it was a shock and I think it was as a result of fear but we couldn't do anything because we just found out what had happened to her, we thought it was a simple malaria" The doctor said.

"Malaria what!?"  Jamal shouted as he got up in clear anger.

"Cool down please" his wife tried to console him but instead he gets up and leaves. he drove away leaving aunty kamila alone in the hospital, she had to take a cab back home.

She Arrived home after quite a while, it was a 2hours drive back to where they were.

She got home called for Aaron, but she got no response. she searched for them but could not find them, but what she found in her room hit her by surprise.

"Subhanalah" She screamed at the sight of the paper in her hands. It was a divorce letter with prince jamals hand writing on it.

"Ya rabb, What is this?" she cried as she read through it again and again unable to realise her state of mind.

Aaron on the other hand was forced to leave his mum, immediately he arrived at Saudi he left for Iran where he was kept in his uncles house to school as a prisoner. he didn't go anywhere, he had no connection to with his mum. no call and no message. he leaved in Iran for six years without connection to his mum but finally he was brought back to Saudi. and that was how he started connecting to his mum through his Aunty's who loved her so much.

Despite the divorce, Prince Jamal still loved his wife but what could he do, his mum had threatened to cut all ties with him if he keeps aunty kamila as he's mum.

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