Twenty five

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I walked into my father's amd sat before his feet on My favorite spot in his room which is the soft sheep carpet "Aaron" He Called softy and I raised my head up to look at him.

"Na'am Abba" I said curtly and he smiled making me feel at ease because i thought it was the talk of wanting grandkids again.

"Aaron I want you to go to Nigeria" my dad said in his thick Arabian accent and I just nodded.

"My mother is coming home soon and I don't want her seeing you and your wife, as it is she's angry at me for allowing you to marry a Nigerian girl" My dad said and I nodded again.

"Uhm... OK Abba I'll leave tomorrow inshaAllah" I said and my Abba had a smile plastered over his face.

"Tell your Ummie that I am sending my regards" he said and I smiled.

"InshaAllah I'll inform her" I said as I stood up to leave.

I left my Abba's chamber and went straight to zafira whom I found using her phone as usual.

"We're going to Nigeria" I said making her frown her face .

"What happened?" I asked on seeing the frown on her face.

"Aren't you happy to see your mum?" I said and a smile mysteriously crept on her face.

"I'm happy, it's just your mom" she said making me chuckle. my mum doesn't actually like zafira, even though she's her niece she blames zafira for khairs death and it pains me to know that because I know zafira will never hurt a fly.

"Okay I'll speak to Ummie then" I said and she hugged me but I pulled out In a fast pace.

"What?, Aren't I your wife?" she said but I ignored her because right now I'm not in the mood of any argument.

It was late so I asked yetrin to help me park all my cloth and zafiras while I sleep because tomorrow is gonna be a long flight .

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face, I prayed then took a shower while zafira on the other hand was already ready, I've noticed that she doesn't like praying but right now isn't time, I'll speak to her about it later.

We went to the parking lot where I entered into the car along with zafira, and now we're off to the airport and off to Nigeria, Abuja.


I left the hospital like two days ago and now I, Mubarak and my kids are at the airport about to board the plane.

"Mammie balloons!" Nai'a shouted which startled me.

"No Nai'a when we're at Nigeria I'll get you allot of balloons I promise" I said making a her frown a bit but when Mubarak tickled her and she lightened up a bit.

Soon we boarded the plain and Nailah was busy sleeping while Nai'a was just talking to me about a rude teacher at school, she talked and talked but finally sleep took over. we both slept until Mubarak woke us up telling us we're almost at Nigeria.

In some minutes we arrived at our destination and I felt a similar air which was unknown to me, and the strangest of all was when we passed a mansion which had the name Aaron's Residence Engrossed on it. It was really strange indeed.

"Mammie is this where we'll stay? " Nailah said as soon as we arrived at our house which Mubarak bought over here in Nigeria just because of us.

"Yes baby its our house" Mubarak said as he picked up Nailah and Nai'a. we walked into the house and it was nice it had a very big livingroom and an indoor and outdoor pool. It had these big play room for Nai'a and Nailah and so on, Mubarak really went out in making us comfortable.

"Do you like it?" Mubarak asked. Yeah its cool, Thank you" I said and I got a smile from him.

"Sadly I'll have to leave you guys here but I promise I'll be back in some days, I have a very important meeting that requires my presence. And I have changed the dollar to naira, I opened an account over here for you and I left 10 million naira in it. if you need my help just call and I promise I'll come running over" Mubarak said and all I did was to thank him, men like Mubarak are very rare.

"Thank you so much Mubarak" I said to him and he smiled. "Nai'a, Nailah. Come"he called unto them and they came runnig towards him.

He gave them a hug and baded them goodbye before driving off.

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