Chapter 5 ~ Reviving Sombra

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Rarity' POV

I simply love the castle Twilight has. It's so shiny and sparkly. Right now i am making a brand new dress for Princess Cadence. I grab one of the pins from Spike's back and pin part of some light pink fabric to to a light purple base. I am making a dress the same colors as her mane. It is going to be light purple based with light pink on it. All the stitching is going to be the same yellow in her mane. The little seams that don't need to be seen are pink. I plan to have fancy little designs with the yellow thread. "Spike, can you grab the yellow thread on the middle shelf?" I ask him. "Anything for you Rarity." Spike said. He ran to the shelves and tried to get the thread. On the way over, he belched loudly and out of the flame was a letter. Rarity rushed over to see what Princess Celestia wanted. It read;

Dear Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity;

I have a new task for all of you. Something has been recently found near the Crystal Empire. We need you to revive a pony. Princess Luna and I will be there to help you, Rarity, the first few days. I would like you to do this with little to no help from anypony. We are asking you to revive The King of Shadows and reform him. We need you to reform King Sombra.


Princess Celestia

I gasp loudly. "What is it?" Spike asks. I hand him the letter. He quickly reads it and looks confused. "Who is King Sombra?" he asks me. I still remeber that tyrant. "He is only the highest ranked dark magic user and hates you with every once of his being." I state like it was nothing to worry about. "What did I do to make him hate me so much?" Spike questioned. I don't say anything, thinking of how in Equestria I am going to do this. "Spike, be a dear a fetch Twilight." I say motioning at himself with my right foreleg. He nodds and pulls out the pins in his back. He doesn't feel them now, but he will in a few seconds. He runs outside and I can hear a groan escape from him. I giggle lightly and continue to work on the dress, trying to get rid of the stress about Sombra. I take the fabric pieces to the sewing machine and sew the light pink sash onto it. I add the front sleeves that are purple up at the seam and slowly fades to pink. As I work on the left sleeve, Twilight and Spike enter. The little bell on the door announces the arrival of anypony who enters. "What is it? All Spike was the Princess sent a letter while he was helping you." Twilight says. I levitate the letter to her and she reads it. "What! Why him? I thought he was dead. The crystal heart killed him." Twilight exclaims to herself as she tries to figure out how he was still alive. "I think his case may be similar to Discord's, only Sombra is trapped in something else. I don't know what. It doesn't say what has been found. Rarity, do you have a quill and paper?" Twilight questions after she explained her theory. "Yes, right here Twilight. Whatever do you need it for?" I return a the questioning to her as I levitate a paper and pen over to her. She grabs it and writes something down, then hands it to Spike. "Can you go put the seal on it and send it to Princess Celestia, then get the others." Twilight tells Spike. He nods and runs off to go do what he was told. "What are you working on?" Twilight asks me when she spots the dress. "A dress for Princess Cadence. I wanted to surprise her with a new dress. Here is what it will look like." I explain and hand her my sketch of what the dress will look like when it's done. "Ooh! Pretty. Cadence will love it!" Twilight exclaims. "Thank you Twilight. I've asked Spike all he says it will be almost as perfect as I am like he always does." I say and begin to sew on a ruffle design that is very similar to the sleaves. I add another ruffle a little below it. I used the yellow thread on some small designs on the ruffles. "Can I help in anyway?" Twilight asks. "Yes, could you get the purple fabric? The one that is a bit darker than what is one the dress right now." I say. Twilight levitates it over and I cut the matirie that I need from it and set the fabric aside. I hear the bell ring and look to see who came in. Rainbow and Pinkie comeing with AJ right behind them. I look out the window and see Spike almost dragging Fluttershy. "What do ya need us for?" Randow asks me or Twilight. Twilight reads the letter aloud. Rainbow looks shocked, AJ sharesRainbow's exprsion, Fluttershy looks like a pony is holding a knife to her throat and Pinkie just looks confused. "Who's King Sombra?" She asks. Twilight rolls her eyes and I just think it's weird how both Pinkie and Spike don't remember who he is. "King Sombra is a pony who tried to take the Crystal Empire again and is the highest ranked dark magic user alive. Spike saved the Crystal Empire with princess Cadence by keeping the crystal heart away from Sombra. Then Sombra exploded along with all of his black crystals." Twilight explained and as soon as she was done talking, Spike beltched. Twilight picked up the letter and read it. "What does it say?" AJ asks her. "It says Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are on their way here with whatever has been found." Twilight said, still looking at the letter. "It also says the will be here in about-" we all see the Princesses outside "Now." Twilight finishes. Celestia is holding a package and so is Luna. Both walk in, the little bell on the door rings as they do. All of us bow down to them, even Twilight. "No need for that right now." Celesti says and all of us stand up. "Princess Celestia, how are we going to revive King Sombra?" Twilight asks Celestia. "For the next few days you do not need to address us like thatt. And you are stil linked to the elements of harmony, plus Twilight being an alicorn makes it better. A traveler from the Crystal Empire found King Sombra's horn, the only part of him that wasn't damaged. After a while of studying it, we found that he has a very similar problem that Discord had." Celestia says to all of us. "Did somepony say my name?" Discord says as he apears here. "Nothing more than a pony having a similar banishment that you had." I say to him. "Who have you turned to stone this time?" Discord asks. "Not stone, Discord, into his horn." Lun says to him. Discord, still a little lost, asks, "Who?" "King Sombra." Twilight replies. "However could that be?" Discord won't stop the questions. "I'll tell you how. The crystal heart in the Crystal Empire imprisoned him in his horn by making it look like his body exploded." Rainbow dash says, getting in Discord's face."Do tell me who this King Sombra is." Discord says boredly, like he knows something. AJ opened her mouth to say something, but Pinkie Pie cut her off. "He is a pony that kows how to grow rocks and tried taking over the Crystal Empire. Do you think he could make me a rock?" Pinkie said, more interested in the black crystal part than anything. "Now why are you talking about him?" Discord adds another question! "Because rarity is going to reform him." Celestia says. I think everypony has said something to Discord accept Fluttershy and Applejack. "I go i'll go because nopony seems to want me." Discords says with a sad tone. "Oh, don't worry, we still have our picnic later." Fluttershy says to Discord. He smiles and leaves by teleporting to somewhere. "Shall we get started?" Luna asks. "Yes." Celestia says and pens the box she has been carrying. Luna sets hers down on a table and opens it. She pulls out a black ring and levitates it in front of her. Celestia levitates something that looks like Sombra's horn in front of her. "Here is King Sombra's horn. All six of you need to do this. Luna and I are only here to make sure he doesn't cause trouble." Celestia says and places the horn on the ground and we make a circle around it. Twilight begins some sort of spell and all of our chests start to glow. Pinkiw has a blue glow, AJ and orange, so It's not very notice able, Rainbow has a red one, Fluttershy is pink, Twilight has the pinkish purple color. I look at my chest and see that I have purple, then I remember that the colors of our elements gems are glowing. Each glow become a floating light. All of them combind in the pattern of a rainbow and twirl above the horn. Twilight's magic gets strnger and the rainbow shoots at the horn. It wraps around in similar fashion to what it did for all the villians when e defeated them. I notice that there is a strong wind blowing. The rainbow gets lighter and I notice that it is turning white. Twilight adds another part of the spell and the is a great blast that pushes everypony back to the walls. I notice that everything is everwhere. I'll have to fix that. Everypony starts to get up from the blast that had finished the spell. I see King Sombra lying on the floor. He starts to move just we did, only slower. I notice that he somehow still has his cape and armor. All of us are in a circle around him now. Sombra stands up and notices us. He growls at us, but mostly Celestia. He glares at all of accept Luna. Huh. Luna teleports the black ring onto his horn and the purple smoke and green are gone from his eyes. "What did you do?" He growls. I notice that his voice is very deep and has a snake like lisp. None of answer because all we know is that we brought him out of his horn. Luna is staring at the ground and Celestia is returning the glare. "A spell that will keep you from useing every once of magic you accept for levitation." Celestia tells him. I almost gasp at this. He can destroy my home! Sombra stays silent, but is glaring daggers at celestia. If looks could kill, she would be dead. "Is he still here?" Spike asks from where he is hiding. No pony says anything and Spike comes out of hiding. Doesn't see Sombra yet. Sombra spots hima growls loudly. He tries to lunge at Spike, but Celestia blocks him. Sombra snorts and stomps. A black crystal comes out of the ground beside him. "I thought you removed all his magic appart from levitation?" I ask Celestia. "You cannot remove what a crystal pony can do." Sombra growls. "You can weaken it, but not remove." He adds. I gasp loudly. "Your a crystal pony! How can you be grey?" I ask in shock. "Here is a small history lesson, I am not a full crystal pony. I'm half a pony that is rare. A unicorn of this kind is even more rare." Sombra explains. "Steel ponies are only seen in slavery. All the free ones have gone into hiding. Crystal ponies enslaved them the most." Sombra adds. Now I know why he put all those poor crystal ponies slaves. I notice that everypony accept Luna. Celestia pobably went with Twilight. Luna looks almost guilty about something. "I better start cleaning this mess." I say. Luna looks up and understand s that I need her to make sure Sombra doesn't destroy my home any further. Sombra snorts and somehow makes the crystal disapear. I wonder how he does that. I lift a sewing machine that had fallen, but thankfully isn't broken. I start lifting all the models and standing them up near the wall. I hang the dresses and clothes back up on hangers and move the thing into a large closet for storage. I start to lift one of the dresses that I started, but haven't finished yet. I see another dress and model get lift. The magic is the same color as Luna's! I look to see a little to my left. "What about Sombra?" I aske her. "He won't do anything." Luna answers. "How can you be so sure?" I ask. "Just trust me." Luna says and I drop the topic. Soon everything is back where is shoud be. "Thank you ever so much for helping me." I say to Luna. "No problem Rarity. Your gonna need the help." She replies. "I don't know how I'm goona get him to listen once you and Celestia leave." I say, a little worried at what Sombra will do. "I plan to stay longer than Celestia. Everypony looks to her, so she needs to be back in Canterlot soon. I'm not the first pony everypony turns to, so I can stay loger." Luna says like she would rather be here than in Canterlot with her sister. I hear a snort and remeber Sombra.I walk up to him. "Your gonna have to not be so rude." I say to him. "And who gives you the right to tell me wht to do?" Sombra challenges. "Princess Celestia, that's who." I say. "I'm pretty sure that I have never listened to her." Sombra replies. I try to think of something good to say when Luna walks up. "Sombra, stop." She says with authority. "Living in ice is better than this. I'd rather wait another thousand years in ice rather than be here." Sombra growls. I don't know how his growl is so much like an animal. Rather strange. I look at his armor and think about how everyone will see him in that. Not only that, his horn and constantly flowing mane will attract attention to. Not to mention that no pony is that grey and black. "Follow me unless you want to sleep on the floor." I say to Sombra. He grumbles and follows. I have my parents room and spare room. My oarents live somehwere else, but like to vist for the weekend sometimes. I lead Sombra to the spare room. "This is your room for now." I say and walk back to Luna.

"Where are you staying?" I ask her. "I don't know Celestia never said anything." Luna answers. "You can stay in my parents room. They don't live here, but visit sometimes." I offer. "Yes. I'll stay with you and Sweetie Belle while I'm here." She says, a little happier than she was. I hear hoofsteps and turn to look. What I see is not what I had expected.


I managed to do another Cliffhanger! I like being able to do cliffhangers. And that as the best i could think of.

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