Chapter 6 ~ Discord & Dark Magic

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Sombra's POV

That annoying white pony led me to a room. Luna had to be here! Well, I know what happened to Nightmare Moon now. Oh well, both do the same thing. I look around the room, then look at my armor. I can't use my magic and I don't think anypony would know who I am. I take the armor off, hoofguards and all, but still have the cape on. I even took off the crown that served as armor for my head. I only take this off so I won't get so many weird stares. I know that ponies will stare at me a lot. That is easy to know because almost every pony is candy colored. Not me. I'm dark grey with black mane. A true shadow colored pony. I will get the empire back one day. I place the armor in the closet that is in this room and start to walk back to Luna and the white mare. I have nothing better to do. As I get closer, the white mare looks at me, shocked. I don't why. I have a brain to know that I'll get stares with the armor. "You took off you armor." She said. "I'm not that stupid. Ponies here don't know who I am. And without my dark magic I can't prevent them from giving a lot of weird stares." I explain to the dumb mare. "Well, then I guess you should take off your cape as well. Won't that attract attention?" She asks. "I am not taking my cape off." I refuse to take it off. "Why won't you?" I just growl in response to her question. She stared at me for a minute looking deep in thought. "We can get you a new cape so you don't have to wear that one all the time!" She says. The mare levitates a measuring tape over and walks up to me. I don't know what she is going to do. She starts to take measurements and trots over to her shelf with a lot of different colored fabric. She pulls out a few different shades of red and a few shades of grey. The mare come back over and starts talking to herslf about the fabric. She finally find a color she likes and goes to a table. Luna walks up to her with siscors and thread. I sit where I am and just watch as both of them do whatever they are doing. I honestly don't care. Getting bored, I let smal black crystal grow from the ground a break it off. I make the remaining crystal disapear and to shape the crystal I'm levitating. I look around the room for something useful. All I see is sew stuff. I sneak out of the building and start to walk towards the town. I get stares, but I don't care. All I need is a small spring. I spot Celestia and Twilight with wings walking. I quickly turn around and walk in the other direction. I don't need them spotting me. Something bumps into by leg and I look down. It is Spike. He looks like is in a hurry to go somehwere. I lower my head and growl at him. I snap at him, close to his face, but not touching him. Spike looks terrified. Perfect. My growl gets louder as some ponies crowd around. "Don't repeat you mistake. Regret will rip you apart." I hiss to him and walk off. Everypony gets out of my way. I am still carrying the black crystal."Why does he wear a cape." A snotty voice says. "I don't know. Mabye he is hiding scars. " another voice says. A pink foal steps infront of me. "Whatever reason it is, this pony has a weird horn." The pink foal says as if I was deaf. I growl slightly, but the foal take no notice. A sliver foal comes to stand beside her friend. "Silver Spoon, I think we have somethigng." The pink filly says. "I agree. We do have something." The silver agrees. "Yeah, a freak!" The pink one yells. I growl a lot louder and they still don't notice. "Let's fund out what he is hiding under that cape." The silver one says. I snap at their little faces. The silver screams and runs off. The pink one stands there in shock. "You are a totl FREAK!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. I can't take this. I knock her down and crouch down above her. I can feel the dark magic trying to fight through. I rear up and come down hard, creating large black crystals. Both of the grow on either side of me. The filly looks dead terrified and is struggling. I release her and watch the filly run away crying. I make the crystal disapear and glare at anypony who even dares to look at me. I enter the building that the white mare lives in and sit down, still fuming from the foals. "Whatever happened to you?" The mare asks. I say nothing and stare at the ground. Whatever spell Celestia put on my horn is just barely able to keep me from using dark magic. I can feel it, but not use it. I make the crystal I had been working with disapear. I can't get the small spring I need for it. "Sombra, come here. I need to see if it fits or If I need to make any changes." The white mare says. I stand up and walk over. The little bell right above the door rings. "RARITY!" A young voice squeals. I growl ever so slightly at the loud noise. "Who's this?" A small white unicorn filly with pink and purple mane says. "King Sombra." The white mare name Rarity answers. "Well high Sombra. Aym Applebloom, that is Sweetie Belle, and she is Scootaloo." A tan filly with cherry red mane says. Sweetie Belle is the unicorn filly and Scootaloo is orange with purple mane and is a pegasus. Applebloom is the tan earth pony filly. Sweetie Belle is talking Rarity and Luna. "We saw what ya did to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon today. That was totally awesome!" Scootalooo said to me. I look at with a blank face. How can she like me almost breaking a filly's neck? I don't say anything and let them say whatever. The orange one keeps talking about something I don't care about. The tan one is with the small white one. "Sombra, come try this on!" Rarity demands. I walk over to her and take whatever she wants me to try one. I feel like I can teleport and try it out by teleporting to my new room. It took more work than normal, but I did it. "Take that Celestia." I says triumphantly. I remove my red cape and place it with my armor. I look at the new one. It is grey with black stitching. Simple. I look at the clip and decide that I will change it to a black crystal one later. I teleport back to Rarity and Luna. "I thought you could only levitate with that black ring on?" Rarity think out loud. I don't care. "It fits perfectly!" Rarity says happily. I snort, not really caring. "Princess Luna, how can he teleport with that on." Rarity asked Luna. "Well it seems like Sombra has stronger magic than we thought. And the ring is made to block dark magic. Not normal unicorn magic. Sombra has only been seen using dark magic." Luna explains as if I'm not there. "If you had dark magic, wouldn't you use it?" I ask them. Luna snorts and Rarity gasps. "Why would any of us have dark magic? Apart for you, that is." Rarity says. Before I answer, the little bell obove the door rings. I look to see who it is. I see the banana colored pegasus. Just by looking at her now, I can tell she is shy. "Um... Rarity?" The yellow mare says. "Yes Fluttershy?" Rarity asks the mare. "I was... um... wondering if you... um... want King Sombra to meet a reformed villian.." Fluttershy said slowly and neriously. "Yes. Then Sombra could see who has been reformed." Rarity answers. Nightmare Moon is Luna again. I'm here, Tirek can't be reformed. The changeling queen is in her own world. It must be Discord then. "I don't want to meet Discord." I state and everypony looks a me. I roll my eyes. "Nightmare Moon is Luna now. The changeling queen is her own lands. I'm right here. Tirek can't be reformed unless you find this weird spell. And Discord is the only one left." I explain. "Well, you going to meet Discord." "You all keep saying my name." I hear Discord say as he just apears. "Oh Sombra. I never thought you would side with these ponies." Discord taunts. I growl and of course Discord doesn't pay attention. "What happened to getting to the Crystal Empire?" My growl gets louder. Fluttershy says something, but it's to quiet for anypony to hear. "Rarity's place is nice, but you should really consider staying and at Fluttershy's." Discord continues. I step closer. "Can't use your magic? Such a shame." I teleport to right in front of him, still growling. "Oh look, you can't use magic." I feel the dark magic fighting stronger than ever now. "I see you don't like you armor anymore." Discord won't stop. I feel a little dark magic break through. I know my appearence must've changed a bit. "Hey look. You have purple smoke coming out of your eyes. Dont you eyes sting from this?" A little more magic seeps through. I look him in the eyes now. My magic is strong enough to make a pony see their worst fears, or drgoneques in this case. Discord's eyes turn green with crimson irises and blood red pupils. I don't bother watching his fear. I don't really care. I let it go on for a few minutes, then stop it and teleport to the room. I'm kind of surprised that no pony tried to stop me. I feel all the dark magic get locked back inside me. The black ring Rarity and Luna talk about seems to work well. Not how they wanted, but rather well for them. I lay down on the bed, frusterated. After a few minutes, I hear the door open. I don't really care who it is. "Looks like you stronger magic than you ever let on." I reconize the mare's voice to be Luna. "Just like you hide Moon Shadow." I say. "How did you know I hide her?" Luna asks. I sit up and look at her. "Easy, if she wasn't hidden you would have her here right now." I reply. Luna looks at the ground. "She can't been seen. You know she is a lot like you." Luna says truthfully. "True, but she also knows what she is doing all the time. She has a reason to do what she does like you do." I say. "What is Discord's worst fear?" Luna asks, knowing I can watch the fears. "I don't want to know. Probably Tirek making him kill everypony and then loosing his power to Tirek." I say like it is nothing important. "How did you know Discord fell to Tirek once." "Before the actual fear, Discord had a flashback. That I watched. If a flashback happens right before a fear. Then I see it. The flashback is alway related to the fear vision they are about to see." I explain to Luna. Luna nodds and continues to look at the ground. "I already told Rarity and Fluttershy not to tell anypony about what happened. I earased Discords memory of you using the dark magic, but left the fear. I won't tell Celestia about this. What she doesn't know won't hurt her." Luna says then leaves. I think they want me to give up my magic. I can't do that though. If I give up all my magic, I could die from it. After using dar magic for so long, giving it up would be more fatal than a deep gash. After a few minutes, I walk out of the room. I don't feel like teleporting right now. I enter the main room that everypony is in. The fillies from earlier had left right before the whole Discord thing. "Oh, Sombra. I'm so sorry Discord was doing that. I didn't know he would do that!" Fluttershy apalogized for Discord's actions. "It's not your fault. Discord did it to himself. Besides, I've wanted to do that to him for centuries. I just never had the excuse." I reply. Discord had fallen under the title of 'Extremly annoying' and has always been taunting me. He was just a lot more cautious then. "How long have you known him.?" Fluttershy asked me." I met him a few years after I managed to get out of slavery." I reply. I was a slave once and steel ponies are worked hard. I didn't work those crystal ponies as hard as all the steel ponies have. "You were a slave?!" Both Fluttershy and Rarity exclaim. "Yes, and worked harder than my kind not only because I am a unicorn, but because considered me a 'mut.' Sometimes being half crystal pony and half steel pony isn't the best thing ever." I reply. "I thought you don't talk?" Fluttershy said. "When you tried to get the empire again, you only said just that revolved around 'crystal.' Why is that?" She added. "Giving ponies I am battling a lot of speach can give away a plan. Crystal Empire, Crystal Heart and black crystals. What do you expect when somepony has everything to do with crystals?" I respond. "Now I get it. You wanted revenge for your kind. And because crystal ponies were the ones that enslaved all of your kind most the time and made them work hard. You wanted to make them slaves so they can see what th steel ponies are feeling." Rarity says. "That is right. Just like I wanted revenge on everypony for loving the day and Celestia more than me and my night." Luna adds to the conversation. "How did you use your dark magic with the black ring on?" Rarity asks me. "Dark magic is more powerful than you think. Lots of power from day one. Practicing and getting more only makes it stronger and harder to contain than you think. With fact that the black ring is made ony for dark magic and allows normal magic to still be in use. That little bit of freedom allows dark magic to get free when the user is using a ton of strength or angered. It takes a high amount of anger to break through even a little bit. The magic can never be truly free if the ring is on." I explain to all of them. "How do you know this if you just got th ring on this morning?" Fluttershy asks. "Being a unicorn slave has it ups and downs. One of them being a pony had put a grey one on my horn before. I studied it about them and found everything I could about them. In my time of being a slave, the rings could be taken off by any unicorn. Plus, dark magic adds to this." I explain another fact f magic to them. "Can't you just give up you dark magic?" "Once you reach a certian level of black magic, losing it ould be fatal. When you get to the rank I have, then your better off taking a lot of large gashes. And not everypony that uses dark magic is immortal. Even an immortal dark magic user will die if they lose it." I explain the life/death thing about dark magic. "What did you do while you were banished?" Fluttershy asks. "Practiced using my magic, carved into the ice, got very bored." I say, purposly leaving out the fact that I have a daughter and that Nightmare Moon lived with me for a good deal of time. "I better go. Angel needs me." Fluttershy says and leaves. "So you can carve stuff like that?" Rarity asked me. "Yes." I said in 'duh' tone. Rarity nodded and walked over to a dress she was working on. I notice that it is the same dress she was working on earlier. I ignore the dress and pretty much everything else that is going on. "Sombra, Luna is going to show you around town while I finish this dress. I promised Princess Cadence that it would be done in two days." Rarity said to me. I nod and Luna walks over. She casts some sort of spell that makes my horn invisible. Without saying anything, Luna walks to the door with me following her. I spot one of the ponies that revived me. It is the cyan pegasus mare. She is doing all sorts of things in the sky that I don't really care or know what they are. I watch her as we get closer to Ponyville. I look down from the sky and watch as everypony is now ignoring me rther than giving me stares. I see the pink mare from my reviving. She bounces over to us and says something to Luna. "Heya Sombra! What are you doing? You took of your armor! Why the new cape?" The mare throws questions at me, then speaking before I can answer. "Pinkie Pie, I'm showing Sombra the town. And he has a new cae so he doesn't have to wear his other one." Luna explain for me. "Oh! See ya later!" Pinkie Pie said and bounced away. "That one was Pinkie Pie. There is Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and the newest princess, Twilight Sparkle." Luna explained to me. "I know Twilights fear. Well, what it was three years ago." I say to Luna. She nods and keeps walking. I spot the same pink filly from ealier and try not to go attack her. She spots me and Luna and runs over with her silver friend. "Hello Princess Luna!" Both of them said excitedly. "Who's he? He looks a lot like a stallin that attacked me earlier. Only the stallion that attacked me was a total freak. He had a red horn with a black ring in the middle of it and was wearing a rad cape. He was also able to grow horrid black crystals." The filly exclaimed. I try to keep my cool, so I won't use my dark magic out of anger again. "He is a stallion from Canterlot named Sombra. I decided to take him here to show him the small town f Ponyville." Luna says, covering for me. "How does his mane fly in an invisible wind like your does?" The silver one asks. "He is a rare kind of pony." Luna said, she secretly cast a telepathy spell. "Can I tell them you are a steel pony?" She asks with a glance towards me. "Yes, to prove, I'll let them feel how my hardens upon touch." I reply. Luna disables the spell and looks at the fillies. "What kind of pony is he?" Both of them ask. The silver oe looks more eager to learn about what kind of pony I am than the pink one. "He is a steel pony. If you try to hit his leg, then you can feel something different about his fur." Luna said with a smile. The silver filly looks nervious about hitting me while the other looks happy. She walks up to me and hits my leg. "Ow! Does he secretly have armor on?" The filly questions as she hold a hoof slightly above the ground. "No. A steel pony has fur that hardens upon impact. My fur is very much like armor." I explain to them, hiding the snake lisp and unnaturally deep voice. "We're going to have to ask miss Cheerilee about steel ponies." The silver one said. Both of them left and I breathed a sigh of relief. "I might actually kill he the next time she says anything to me." I say, highly annoyed by the filly. "Did you attack Diamond Tira?" Luna asks me. "After she screamed 'freak' loud enough for the whle town to hear. I warned her with a growl first." I defend. "Sombra, your going to have to get used to being called different. You not a normal pony in any way. Everything about you is different. Tell me, are most steel ponies charcol grey?" Luna asks. "A steel pony is like any normal pony. The only thing different is every single pony has some sort of grey on them. They can be pink as Pinkie Pie with silver or another shade of grey in their mane or on their fur." I explain. "The only thing normal about you is the fact that you are a pony. Even your past is not normal." Luna pionts out. "Yeah I guess. Being called 'different' is easy to take. It means no other pony is like you. Being called a 'freak' is saying somepony is different in a very insulting way. Even a dragon doesn't like to be called a freak." I explain to her. Luna stays silent and keeps walking. I don't know where we are going, but I also don't know my around Ponyville like I know the Crystal Empire. "Were are we going?" I ask Luna. "The place my life changed. And where you can learn how to use all that dark magic stored up inside you for good." Luna replies. We got out of Ponyville and start to enter a thick forest. I am carefull not to touch any plants for this is the Everfree Forest. It is filled with magical plants and other things. We pass a large patch of pioson joke and I notice that every single flower is a few shades darker than a mid-day sky. It is not long before I see a castle in ruins. I see that everything has been blasted down, and not just fallen apart after centuries of being neglected. "What happened here?" I ask Luna. "Me. It wasn't long after you were banished and after we turned Discord to stone, that I became a threat. I grew jealous of Celestia and became Nightmare Moon. I attack Celestia and she banished me to the moon. You know what happened while I was in banishment. Twilight and her friends became the elements of harmony and defeated me. That is why they were sent to Crystal Empire after you." Luna finished explaining when we reached the throne room. I spotted the tapestries hanging on the the walls behind the two throne that were built for Luna an Celestia. "I am going to weaken the black ring on your horn so you can do some simple dark magic spells, but nothing more. It will also allow your crystals to grow bigger becuse it is a little weaker. After this, we will come here every night to practice. I might bring Rarity along sometimes." Luna said. "I still don't see why I need to be reformed." I grumble. "Beause you are the highest ranked dark magic user alive and you know how to use it. If you continue to grow stronger, you can become stronger than an alicorn. You're already stronger than the average unicorn and stronger than an alicorn that isn't very good at magic. Twilight is even in a lower level than you are in magic. You are close to equel to e and Celestia. If you can learn how to use that magic for good, then Equestria is very well guarded." Luna explained. I didn't ask anything else and Luna began to generate a spell. A dark blue mist started swirl around my horn. I felt my dark magic return a little. Enough to show the purple smoke and the green in my eyes. I know I have enough dark magic to give fear visions and turn into a shadowy cloud. "Tell me what you can do now." Luna commands. "Fear visions and shadow cloud." I reply. "I see you have gained the main sign of evil. We are going to have to work on keeping that hidden. We will slowly introduceyou to Ponyville. Pinkie knows you and might plan a party of some sort. That would be one way. Nightmare Night is about a month away. If we can get everypony to know your legend, then you can be yourself. I'll ask Cheerilee to teach about you. And Zecora can have two legends for Nightmare Night." Luna said, thinking of ways for ponies to know who I am. "What is the other legend?" I ask her. "Nightmare Moon." Luna replied. "Now, let's get to work."


Finally done! Please tell me what you think about this book. Any support is greatly appreciated. (Don't think I spell that write. Who cares.)

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