-Chapter 11-

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Btw, I'm buffing up the precepts of death, so that they are on par with Izuku.

"You're not getting away that easily boy" overhaul says. Izuku tells Eri to run as he charges at overhaul. They engage In a battle, Izuku thinks it's best to use meliodas' power, and so he does. After many punches, kicks and headbuts, backup finally arrives.

Mirio and nighteye arrive only to see a battered Izuku and overhaul. But sadly, it wasn't only Izukus backup that showed up, but overhauls as well.

"You don't know what you're messing with! Just give us the girl and this doesn't need to happen." One of the men says.

"In your dreams, bub!" And so, the battle continues, each of them fighting one on one. But it seems that one of the men got the best of nighteye and stabbed in in the gut. Mirio and Izuku sees this and delivers a blow that will give them time to check on him. Once they make it to nighteye he says,

"don't worry about me boys, you've done your job. Just hold out for a little while longer. Help is on the way."

*flash back*

Mirio and nighteye receive a message on their phones requesting backup. Mirio says,

"we should call more backup, I've seen how strong Izuku is, if he is calling backup, then it's something big." Nighteye nods, makes a phone call, then make their way to Izuku.

*flash back over*

Izuku says,

"Mirio, can you distract them for about thirty seconds?"

"Maybe not that long but I'll try." He replies.

"It's fine, play wack a mole or something." Mirio smiles, nods, and runs off to fight while Izuku tends to nighteyes wounds. His healing is weaker than usual right now since he used a lot earlier during the fight. (I'm putting limits on this mans because I like him op, but not too op.) Izuku manages to stop internal bleeding and repairs the organs before he hears,

"Izuku watch out!" Izuku jumps in the air while holding nighteye and puts him in a tree. He jumps back down to help out Mirio until their backup finally arrives,

"I AM HERE!" They hear all might yell. As well as several of pro heroes. But then, 5 more mysterious men show up from seemingly nowhere and begin to fight the pro heroes. As three of them keep them busy, the pros make a big mistake that ultimately changed the course of this battle. They heavily underestimated the enemy. The pros went in while being cocky and they were holding back. Let's just put it in short terms.

It was a massacre.

Blood, everywhere.

Mangled bodies.

Limbs torn from the bodies.

All Izuku could do, Is look in shock. It was is fast, so just how weak was overhaul compared to these five?

Speaking of overhaul, he sees him running in the direction that Eri is, so he chases after him. Worried about the girl of course. What makes matters worse, he has a knife, why is this worse? Because Izuku notices that this looks more and more like his dream. As he is chasing overhaul, he hears a scream.

'Eri!' He thinks. He sprints as fast as he can in the direction of the scream and sees overhaul on top of Eri, knife in hand about to come down and stab her. Izuku activates his darkness and sends some to overhaul, stopping him from stabbing her. After this, overhaul passes out. Probably from being exposed to high and powerful amounts of darkness.

But then, Izukus head starts to pound. It felt like a migraine but ten fold. Visions start going through his head, first, the dream he had, he Han just now realized that what just happened, is what happened in his dream, but, in overhauls point of view? Then, it changes. He can now see the city, no, the WORLD in ruins. All destroyed, and bodies littered all over. Then, Nejire. He sees himself holding her in his arms. She was dead. He was crying. Then, a giant black pillar of darkness erupted around the city, destroying everything in sight. This is when Izuku passes out. Questioning everything, he just saw.

What is this??? MORE foreshadowing? Nani? Yeah that it. The big shabang. Hope y'all enjoyed. And as usual,

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