-Chapter 1-

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Izuku midoriya. A hero in training, first year in hero high school and the successor of former number one hero, All Might. His day was going great, woke up a little late for school though, but he had a nice break fast then ran for school. He was in a great mood, until he got to school. He just had that gut feeling that something is wrong. He ignored it and got to class. When he opened the door, principal nezu, small might, eraser head and midnight were waiting for him.

"Uhhh.... morning?" He said.

"Don't 'morning' us!" A seemingly angry todoroki spouted. He also heard other remarks such as, 'how could you!' And 'traitor!' When he questioned what was happening, he was put in cuffs and dragged out of the room while being told,

"you are under arrest villain" 'Villain?!'

"Wait what do you mean Villain??" He asks.

"Quiet young midoriya. I think you are quite aware of what you have done, you do realize this could endanger all of your classmates? I thought you were better than this young midoriya. But it seems that I've terribly miss judged you. I never thought you would have ever been associated with villains.I will be taking back my power now." All might then somehow takes back one for all, while nezu shows Izuku a video of him stealing information and then on a different camera, him giving it to villains. After All Might was done they just stared in disappointment while leaving Izuku to be dragged to a plane to be taken away to Isengard Penitentiary and to be locked up for years to come.

Izuku was at a loss for words at this point and hasn't even noticed the tears that were threatening to come out of his eyes. But when he was getting taken away by Aizawa, he whispered to him

"don't worry midoriya, I along with some others, believe that you are innocent. Believe it or not, even bakugou thinks so too." Izuku turns his head to see his former sensei giving a tiny smile.

The plane ride there was long. Once he was at the prison, he was locked up in maximum security due to his intelligence and analyzation with two guards outside his room. After a while, one of the guards got curious and asked,

"hey kid, you're a little young to be in prison, what did you do?" Izuku looks up to the guard with tears in his eyes and tells his story to the guard. He recognized the pain and suffering in his eyes and decided to believe him.

"Well, I believe you kid. If you want, I can offer you protection against these guys. They like to pick on the weak for some reason." Izuku hesitatingly accepts his offer on protection. And decided to trust the guards here to not die in this place while he's here.

Week one

Nothing has really happened yet. Really it's just wake up, eat, work out, sleep and repeat.

Week two

Same thing really. Nothing special. But he can notice some prisoners eyeing him.

Week three

Izuku starts asking himself what he did to deserve this. As far as he knew, he did nothing wrong.

Week four

Pretty eventful week to say the least. Well, he did get attacked by a prisoner and got his eye messed up that will leave a nasty scar. His left eye is now bandaged up so he can only use his right for the time being.

Week five

Izuku got notified about his mother's death. In that week. He barley ever moved, to that point of a guard checking is he is still alive at some points.

Week six

Izuku falls into a state of Depression
He lost his friends
His family
His quirk
His dream

He lost


:) that's is for this chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed that lil banger. And as always,

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