"Lucky me"

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(A/N) ahha! Wowie I'm making a new book, this one I'll finish I swear qwq" so (Y/N) is a soon-to-be veterinarian, I'm sorry if you don't want to be a vet but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Bold: thoughts
~ : sarcasm
{} : quick A/N
=: time skip

You wake up again "ughhh, school dammit." You groan as your mom walks in "hey (y/n)! Glad your up early now you can eat!" Your mom says in a happy tone. "So, (Y/N) is Senku and Taiju walking you to school again?" Your mom says not wanting to miss work again. "Oh, I'll ask them!" You quickly get up happy because you found an excuse not to eat eggs for the 50th time again, you call Senku "Heya nerd~" he says in a sarcastic tone "you know full well your a bigger nerd~" you say trying not to laugh "well yes, but- uh, what did ya need me for?" He says, "oh I was wondering if you and Taiju were going to walk me to school, ya know my mom." You say. "Oh, Taiju is already at school so I'll just get you." He says "Oh oki Onion boy~" you say because you know he hates it "why do you have to call me thaaaat?" He says "Well your hair looks like a leek so yeaaah" I say {it's true right?!} "Ugh suree, anyway cya then!" He says, "bye!" You say happily, he hangs up and you put your phone in your bag. "(Y/N)?" You hear your mom say softly, "what?" You say looking at her with a kind smile. "I'm worried about you, you won't eat breakfast and you spend dinner at the science lab. Are you okay?" She says nearly tearing up, "mom, I'm okay, really. Want me to come home early from now on? When I stay late I'm just helping Senku clean up stuff." You say "I know.. but what if one day I never see, or hear you again?" The thought alone got you and her tearing up {foreshadowing amiright?} "I'll be fine mom.. trust me! Taiju is strong and I'm sure Senku has made some sort of potion that stuns people or something." You laugh and you see your mom smiling softly. You hear a knock at the door. "DON'T MAKE ME FREEZE OUT HERE!" Senku yells from your door. "I think Senkus here" you face palm. "Alright honey, I'll see you after school." She kisses your head goodbye and you start walking away.

As you lock the door Senku is looking at you and sighs "can you be any slower? Your locking a damn door!" "Yes actually I can be slower" you joke as you turn the key even slower. " And now you are my least favorite person." Senku says under his breath "oh so I was your favorite person?~" you nudge him, I can see a bit of blush start to show on his face. "I-I- Uh- no that's illogical. Love is just a thing that will end in a year or two" he says stuttering slightly. "Get a life Senku! Show feelings!" You nudge him again and more blush appears on his face. You decide to drop it. "Oh well, I guess vegetables can't have feelings.~" you laugh and before you know it your in front of your school! "Huh that was fast." Senku says walking to the door, you look at your schedule then at Senku's. "SENKU WE DON'T HAVE MATH TOGETHER ANYMOREEEE!!!" You yelled softly he looks at you with this face that clearly reads "wtf (Y/N) everyone is staring at us now" you put your hands behind your back and say "well I'm sORrY that We've had the same classes ever since 2nd grade!" "First grade actually, I remember how we met." Senku says under his breath. "Well I don't? How do you have such great memory!?" You say totally confused, "I'll tell ya in science, cya then (Y/N)!" He says smirking and walking towards Taiju. You start walking to your first class..

=end of the day=
You head over to science, you hear Senku talking about you but you shrug and burst through the door in your usual fashion "(Y/N) IS HERE!! CLAP FOR THE QUEEN!!" Everyone starts clapping and Taiju jumps up and down. You laugh, you are usually the most quiet kid but around the right people you are as social as a butterfly. Senku walks up to you. "So did ya hear what Taiju is going to do?" "No?" You say confused, "it's totally illogical" you laugh, "well he's going to tell ya know.. Yuzuriha that he loves her." Senku says. As Taiju walks out the door to Yuzuriha everyone gathers at the window. People place their bets on if he's going to get slapped, rejected, slapped and rejected, then Senku says "I bet she's going to say yes" everyone quiets up and you agree with Senku and sit next to him. Then just before he was going to say it.. there was a flash... of... Green? Then everything went black.

A/N: oof that was long but I wanted to get the first episode out of the way kinda. I'm actually really proud of it! I hope you liked it! If I got anything wrong I'm sorry- the manga is sitting on my shelf but I'm to lazy to re-read it so aa. Also it kinda goes off the storyline after this. Aaa alright, I'm signin off. Update coming on mondayyy! 💗

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