🍜Good ol taste of ramen..🍜

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(Y/n) POV:
Next thing I know... I'm being pushed up stairs.. "so.. you've been here a long time." A man says to me. "Yeah.. I.. uh, I guess.." I say meekly gosh.. can't I just go see my friends old man. "Well, I suppose your time here is over" wait.. is he going to kill me?! "Ginro, Kinro, take her outside, she is an outsider." The man commanded. "Yes sir!" They both days in sync (hehe) then they both grab me and drag me away.. before I know it I'm blacking out.

-timeskip brought to you by KitKats.. they'reeeeee great!.... wait-

"(Y/nnnnn...)" .... "(y/nnnnnnn)!" .... "(y/n) wake upppp.." ... " (y/n) don't make me... uh.. never mind...heh" as I get up everything gets more clear.. I sit up fast and but I bonk heads with Senku. "A-ah uh sorry Senku" I say as I feel my face heating up "y-yeah it's uh, it's fine. Hah you might have given me a concussion." He says rubbing his head "IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY!!!!!" I say as tears roll down my face.. yeah of course I'm faking it but hey, at least I'm a good fake cryer *mind wink wink* "yikes, (y/n) did you mess up your brain when you passed out stop crying" Senku says turning away. "Well... uh.." I try to think of a come back. Senku turns around and places his hands on his hips. "Well, spit it out." He gives a smirk. "..Baka." There i said it Senku looks like he's holding back laughter "pfff. Wow your one of those now" he says walking over to me. He leans into my face I-is he going to kiss me?! Then he.. pats my head? "You really did hit your head huh." He smirks then walks away. "I- HAHhhahahahhahaAA help" yikes I just want to curl up in a ball and die.. what if he knows? Does he like m- wait it's Senku of course he doesn't. I think that man is incapable of love I laugh then follow him.

Senku's POV:
Oh Jesus why did I do that- you could've done literally ANYTHING ELSE damnit Senku now she'll really think your weird. wait why am I thinking about this again.. what the hell is wrong with me.. uGhH I realize that (y/n) is behind me "hey (Y/n), what food sounds great right now?" Yeah, she'll say ramen, I know her all too well. "Hmmm... ramen!" She says with an adorable fa-... oh my god Senku stop thinking like this.. she says with a... not at all adorable face. ahah. "so Senku?" i turn around "yeah?" I say acting like I don't really care. "Soooo... You have ramen?!" she says excitedly "Yeah meathead duh." I say turning around. "H-Hey!! Don't call me that onion boy!" she says "Oh-ho-ho, calling me that again eh?" I say continuing to walk.

-oh wow another time skip-

Senku POV:

(Y/n) has been acting weird lately, really secluded not talking.. I hate to say it but, yeah i'm worried. I walk over to her with a bowl of ramen, she gets up and looks at me "hm?" She says as she turns around. "Hey I uh, I brought you some ramen if you want some." I say handing her the ramen. As she takes it she smiles "Thanks onion boy!" Then turns around to look at the lake. I sit down next to her and we talk for what seemed like hours. I never really got to see this side of (y/n). I know she was always fond of animals but the way she talks about them and her other interests.. it's just wow.. then. "Hey Senku?" She says "hmm yeah?" I answer back. "Where did..Taiju and Yuzuriha go? I haven't seen them.." crap that's right she wasn't there "well, they went to be spies." I answered, she looks at me with the most puzzled look. "But, uh, Senku, we need to like save earth this is no time to be playing spies.. we need all the help we can get." She says "Oh- well yeah but they are spies for Tsukasa." I say looking out into the water.

-(y/n) POV:
"Spies for Tsukasa." ... Tsukasa... wait.. TSUKASA?! Isn't he the one.. that.. wait.. IT IS!! "I-.. Tsukasa? Really? I know he's a bit creepy but I mean.. why we gotta spy on him? Can't he help us?" I ask.. he didn't seem 'evil' per say but just a little strange.. but it's.. Tsukasa how much weirder can you get? "No, he wanted to rid the world of adults. He made his own kingdom thing though I don't know who's in it yet but I'm sure we'll learn." Senku says, then looks at my non eaten ramen and nudges me. "Hey might wanna eat that." He say something else but I already started scarfing down the ramen "mmm Good ol Taste Of Ramen.." Senku to my surprise.. smiles? Like a genuine smile not a smirk but a.. smile "SENKU ARE YOU LIKE SHOWING ANOTHER EMOTION BESIDES SCIENCE?!?!" He pats me on the head again. "Well science isn't an emotion but good try nerd." He laughs a bit when he said nerd. "Come on let's go to the others." We both get up and start heading towards the village.

??? POV:
Huhuhu~ Magic trick attack in..

Wooooow cliffhanger eh? Well most likely you know who it is but Oh wElL! Ok but anyway I hope you like my first chapter back! Technically, In my time it's not 'Monday' but haH oOpS you guys don't mind do you qwq ok well anyway I'm going to cry in a corner because I have to work on more commissions ok byEeEeE
-kitson logs off in a hurry-

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