❦ young love ❦

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A/N: like what I did there with the ❦ thing? No? Ohok qwq jk anyway, Haha so this is getting more into the (y/n) and Senku romance + Taiju and Yuzuriha!
Well I decided to be nice and not make you wait a whole week! Plus I want to get to the (y/n) x Senku stuff quicker but since im basically as fast as a turtle I haven't gotten there yet qwq" well, hope you enjoy the story! ⟿

(Y/N) POV:
Was I really going to get the miracle fluid? No. I just wanted some time to think but since my dumb self decided to say that guess I have to get it. I think to myself. As I'm walking up I see someone.. I thought I saw them moving so I said "Hello?" Then I noticed something.. Wait. Those are the same headphone type thing Yuzuriha wears.. oh my god it is her! I run to her lifeless stone body. We gotta pour the fluid on her.. I start thinking to myself. But what if she's dead, like, all the way dead. I shake my head and go into the cave.. I reach for what would be my pocket for my phone wait, I forgot.. gosh this is going to take some getting used too eh? I get the miracle fluid and start walking back. I reach the treehouse thing and I place the fluid somewhere safe, when I get up Senku and Taiju are sleeping very peacefully, aww I think to myself and I look up at the sky, hmm would be nice if I had a clock.. then I see the sun silently poking out from the trees, the beams of light hitting my face making me feel warm on the chilly day. Oh so it's probably 7:30 at least. I think back at the time I got lost in the woods and I had to figure out the time, but I was like 6 so I don't have the best memory of it.. I start making a fire by rubbing rocks and sticks together, takes me a few minutes but soon a small fire forms and I throw a few dead leaves in the fire making it grow, the light hits my face making me warm while I prepare breakfast. I wonder.. 2019, there was holes in the ozone, more hurricanes then ever seen, horrible cold and unbearable heat. Global warming, what happened in the 3700 years that have passed. Is what we thought was going to happen happened? Like, some states in America being underwater? I'll ask Senku about it later I guess. I think as I continue making something with nuts and some mushrooms. I hear someone coming down the stairs I look over "oh hey Senku.." I say not realizing I said it in a sad tone. He gives me a worried/questioning look but I look away and continue what I was doing. "I found Yuzuriha by the way." I say putting the nuts on a leaf that acted like plates, with that we both hear running, jumping, then pain. We look over to see Taiju and he is holding his leg in pain. "Don't tell me" Senku says looking at where he fell from "did you JUMP from the door?!" I say grabbing the 'first aid kit' which was really just a bunch of leaves and sticks and I wrap Taiju's leg up mentally face palming.

Senku POV:
I face palm while Taiju asks (y/n) about Yuzuriha. He doesn't even care about the fact his leg might be broken? I think to myself but maybe we should try and wake up Yuzuriha, it would be good to have more people on the team. I think to myself "hey (Y/n), where was Yuzuriha?" I ask her "oh she was kind of near the cave that Taiju was in I can show you!" Then she grabs my hand her hands were warm and soft.. I start blushing then I look at her and she looks at me and quickly takes her hand away blushing a lot. Does she like me? No, you don't even know if you like her... god why is love so confusing... it was pretty silent apart from the giggling from Taiju, I couldn't tell if it was because of (y/n) grabbing my hand and the fact we were probably both blushing or the fact he was going to be able to finally confess to Yuzuriha. Probably the first one. I sigh

Normal POV:
You and Senku were blushing the whole way there because of what happened, Taiju was excited to see Yuzuriha. Even though you and Yuzuriha didn't exactly have a friendship, you were still happy. Once you got there Taiju looked like he was going to kiss Yuzuriha, you and Senku looked at each other questioning Taijus actions. Senku went over to pour the miracle fluid on yuzuriha's head. Taiju stopped him "no we can't yet! She needs clothes!" You look over to Senku and shoot him a questioning look. "Uh, alright. (Y/n) can probably make some clothes for her.." Senku looks over to you as if to say "you can right?" You simply nod walking back to the treehouse. I guess mine can use some repairs aswell you think to yourself. You gather the things you need and get to work.

A/N: woooo! 900 words! The highest I've gotten I think 🤔 well anyway. I hope you like this extra chapter! Kinda a treat for this story getting to 1k reads 😳💝 btw! I'm doing a naming contest for the next chapter! Send me a message if you would like to join. I'll send you a rough draft kinda of the story and you can name it! You'll get your name at the top of the chapter aswell as in the description of it! Once again just message me! Alrighty, I should get goin. Goodbye!
-kitson logs off- ♥

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