whos that?

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A/N!: hi! Hey! Howdy! It's me kitson here! SO UH... THIS HAS 1K READS LIKE WHAT THANK YOU! While I'm writing this I'm in the car :0 so I just wanna say quickly that I'm sorry the chapters have been super short. School kinda punched me with all this homework so I haven't had much time to do anything qwq" pls forgive anyway, onto the story!

I sat there thinking what are we going to with all these dang mushrooms when I was pulled out of thought by Senku saying my name "Ahem, (y/n). Heelllllooooo?" I blushed when I realized I was staring at him "S-S-S-SORRY!" I mentally hit myself for stuttering.. he laughs at my stuttering then we both heard something.. is... is that running? All of a sudden we hear "SENKU!!!!" A figure runs out from a bush and hugs Senku "DON'T HUG ME WHILE YOUR BUTT NAKED!" Senku screams pushing Taiju off of him "Oh Taiju!" I say going over to hug him "(y/n)?... (Y/N)!!!!!!" He runs over and hugs me, I give taiju's head a nice pat. "Ok taiju.. you should probably put some clothes on." I joke "OH YEAH.. UH SORRY ABOUT THAT HAH!!!" I look over to Senku and he seems to had a tad bit of a jealous face. "Senku what's up?" I ask walking over to him "oh nothing. Say it would be illogical if we didn't use some of these mushrooms eh?" He says looking away. "Hm.. yeah I gueeessss.." I shrug. "So what are you going to cook?" He asks looking at me expectedly. "oH so you think I am going to cook?!" I say sarcasm practically dripping from my words. He laughs "I mean you ARE in the cooking club." He smirks. Taiju walks over in his new clothes "now who's a good boy?" I tease Taiju, Senku gets that same annoyed/jealous look. It's actually kinda cute wait what?

Senku POV:
Ugh.. even with clothes it's gross... no, it's illogical for me to have feelings for someone, even if they are smart.. nice.. kind to everyone.. tch.. Senku stop feeling like this.. I stare at (y/n) and taiju but when (y/n) looks at me I notice a tinge of red on her face what was that about? I think to myself maybe she likes me as well? No... ugh what's with my totally illogical thinking... "Sennnkkuuu? (Y/nnnnnnn)???" taiju says poking our faces and it snaps both of us out of our thinking "OOOOOO LOOKS LIKE SENKU AND (Y/N) LIKE EACHOTHERRRR!!!" taiju screams loud enough people in space could probably hear him.. "shut up taiju. That illogical." I say trying looking sternly at taiju "Y-y-Yeah! S-stop!!" (Y/n) says stuttering a bit then turning away. "ANYWAY, IM HUNGRYYY" Taiju complains.. "yeah yeah, (y/n), what are you going to be making anyway?" We both turn to (y/n). "Oh, probably mushroom stew, I mean. It's all we have!" She laughs cute.. wait, what? "Haha Yeah, well Taiju your probably confused about where we are and stuff right?" I turn and look at Taiju he nods, ok well I'll tell you..

(Y/N) POV:
I start making the stew thinking about how Senku looks different to me, like.. I blush when I'm around him.. oh well it's probably nothing.. I think to myself while stirring the stew.

Normal POV:
You finish the stew, you call Senku and Taiju to eat. Senku doesn't say much but "damn (y/n) this is some good food" under his breath. At least.. you think, it was kinda hard to hear but you smile at him anyway. He looks away trying to focus on something else. Taiju notices and he makes a sly face but you don't notice.

=time skip brought to you by kitsons love for tokoyami= (two hours)

After you get done with finishing the stew and talking you all get tired and yawn. So you all lay down but since Taiju is there you have to lay closer to Senku making you both pretty stiff and you guys don't get any sleep, like, at all. Now it's 5 A.M and you get up causing everyone else to get up, "(y/n) why'd ya wake up?" Senku asks you. "I don't know just felt like getting up." You say quickly getting up, "I have to get the miracle fluid." you say walking out of the treehouse thing. "Oh ok." Senku says going back to bed "(Y/N)!! DONT DIE!! HOW WILL I TELL YUZURIHA HOW I FEEL WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT?!?!?!?!" Taiju screams trying to get me to not leave "sorry buddy I gotta." You laugh claiming down the ladder looking at his sad eyes "don't worry I'll be back before you know it." You say disappearing into the forest.

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