Insomnia (filler kinda)

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normal pov:

sleep.... sleep comon... "ugh" you say with a annoyed tone. It's been 2 hours since you first tried going to bed, yet you still can't sleep. You open your eyes and see the moon. Sigh you get up start walking to a small pond. You sit on a rock and start skipping stones... but uh, you kinda forgot how to so you just end up yeeting the stones into the water but it's still fun to watch. You start getting tired so you go back to the 'lab' you notice Senku trying to make a fire but the wind keeps blowing it out. He looks up at you but then he quickly looks back at the fire. "S-so uhhh.. can you help me here I'm cold." You laugh and get some dry leaves then you yeet them onto the fire. After a lot of effort, the fire finally started. You and Senku sat by the fire, Senku was still quiet and nervous.. you've never seen him this nervous. "Uh Senku are you okay?" You ask, he looks up "yeah I'm fine." He says then looks away at the moon. "Huh.... anyway.. why are you up so late?" He nervously laughs " oh uhm.. hah..just uh.. planning my- I mean our next move.." you get confused "on what?" You ask "yo- the Empire of might." 'Huh?' You think you yourself "well I guess I could be asking the same for you." Senku says outing his hands by the fire. "Oh, I was just having a hard time sleeping.." you say yawning "Mind if I sleep over here? It's warmer.." you say blushing a bit. Senku just nodded and looked away. "Say.. Senku?" He tenses up a bit then looks over a you. "When you you think your birthday is? I somehow forgot mine..." you sigh "mine is January 4th, yours is (B/D). Don't ask me for anyone else's I only know those." You look at him with disbelief, "y-you know mine?! How do you remember that?!" His face turns bright red, even in the dark You could see it. "I uh.. I mean your my best friend right?" He says "yeah but now your making me seem like a bad friend" you sigh. "Well, anyway we should get some sleep.. we have a lot to do." He says "ok.." you say zipping up your sleeping bag. Before you know it, your asleep.

Senku pov:
Maybe I shouldn't have said that... maybe I look like a creep.. nono, that's what friends do right? It's only been.. 3700 years!.. I knew I should have listened to everyone's advice.. love is hard... I look over at (y/n) she's sleeping so peacefully... Senku stop thinking stuff like that.. that's just illogical... you don't love anyone! (Y/n) is your best friend.. nothing more.. finally I fall asleep. I wake up to the sound of crying?.. I look around and I see (y/n) sitting up.. crying?! "(Y/n)?!?" I sit up making sure it's her.. "*sniff* s-sorry I.. I woke you." She says trying to stop crying. What do I do?! I slowly walk over to her and pat her head then I sit down. "What happened?" I try saying in the most sympathetic voice I could..

-dream flashback-
(Y/n) POV:
"Hi Onion boy!" I say sweetly "Oh, hi." He gives me a cold stare then goes back to working on something. "Whatcha workin on?" I say trying to look but I'm too short.. "Nothing." The leek-like haired boy responds coldly. "Senku? Are you feeling alright?" I ask trying to see why he's acting so distant. "Mmm.. yeah I feel fine." Senku says "now just stop talking to me." He says while looking at me "o..oh ok Senku.. yeah.. cy..cya later.." I sit over by the fire, why was Senku acting so weird..? Suddenly I hear rustling in the bushes, "h..hey who's there?!" I say trying to act tough. Senku and Tsukasa come out from the dimly lit forest. "Hello (y/n)." Tsukasa says walking over to me, Senku does too. "Ooh (y/n).. why would you think I Senku would befriend someone so.... dum- nono... ILLOGICAL! As you? Just goes to show how dumb you are. Well, don't worry, I've been working with Tsukasa this entire time!" I was so shocked I couldn't even speak.. betrayed by my best friend.. basically my only 'best friend'.. "don't worry (y/n) your pain will be no more." Tsukasa says calmly then I hear crrrack!! Then the pain starts.. then I woke up.

-end of flashback-
Senku's pov:
I don't know what to do or say... uhhhhhhhhhh helping people was never really my strong suit.. err.. I just hug her "it's uh.. going to be... ok..?" I say trying to comfort her but I think I'm failing. She chuckles a bit, "Onion, thanks for trying.. you've helped" she smiles at me I could feel the blush coming so I just looked away "yeah, no problem, can't have anyone depressed.. it's bad for everyone." I say "say.. Senku?" "Hm?" I responded "do you remember how we met?" (Y/n) said sadly "yeah, why?"

-yet another flashback yay-
=First grade=
"Dangit... I can't finish this question.." Senku said sitting alone in the computer lab "Need help?" A sweet (h/c) girl with (f/c) glasses on walks over to Senku " Mm, no thanks." Senku says not even looking at the girl "Alrighty.." the girl sat next to him "Uh, don't you know who I am?" Senku finally looks up  "Nope! I just got transferred here.." the girl said sadly. She starts doodling animals on her homework "Why?" Senku asked noticing she got sad "Everyone made fun of me.. for being one of the smartest in my class...I even tried putting the wrong answers but teachers noticed.." she looked at her paper and started actually doing it. "Hm, well I won't make fun of you, I'm Senku by the way." Senku looks at her and shakes her hand. "(Y/n). Nice to meet you!" She smiled, Senku couldn't help but smile, which was weird.. he just felt warm around her.
=about 20 minutes later=
"Uh.... (y/n)...?" Senku says nervously  "Hm?" (Y/n) was packing up everything but her sketchbook.  "I uh.. I need more paper..." Senku says quietly  "That's like the 6th one.. are you still on the same problem? Here let me see" (y/n) motions to his homework *sigh* "here..." he scoots closer to (y/n) so that he could see, "Oh! We learned this at my old school! I could teach you if you need!" (Y/n) said happily. Senku nods and watches as (y/n) does the problem. After about an hour he finally gets it "I did it!" He said happily, "thanks for teaching me" he starts packing his stuff. "Oh.. by the way, can you come over to my house later today? Like around 6 pm?" Senku asks not expecting her to say yes "sure! But what are we going to do?" (Y/n) asks checking her school calendar-notepad thingys with the school logo on it. "Yep! I'm free! I'm sure my mom will be fine with it.."

-end of flashback-

Senku's pov:
"Aaaaaand then we stayed up till 4..5 am working on that spaceship.. hah, good times.." I say looking back This entire time.. had I just had a crush on (y/n) and just passed it off?.. no.. "yeah, and I blame you for my insomnia." (Y/n) laughs and fake punches me "h-hey I was fine! Listen don't blame your problems on me!" (Senku's face: >:c "fine.. you are partially responsible for me being an insomniac" (y/n) jokes "ok (n/n) I think you should go to bed." (Y/n) blushes at the nickname why was that so adorable?! "Yeah fine but it's cold so stay here" (y/n) hugs me tightly, I try to get up but she just pushes me back down. How did she get so strong? I just give up and we both fall asleep.

~the end
Ee so uh I really like this chapter, I tried to make it as wholesome as my edgy brain could do. Reading other ffs made me realize I missed a lot of stuff in the first few chapters, I'm really sorry about that TwT I have very bad memory- I'm going to make a fluff chapter because I can't sleep, it's going to be about the adventures of Senku and (y/n) back when they were in elementary school and high school, stuff like that, well hope you enjoyed this long chapter! Cya!

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