Wtf happened to Midoriya??

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Uraraka's POV

Holy Midoriya... WTF HAPPENED TO DEKU??

He walked in today with black hair covering one of his eyes. It was less curly and out of control today and... HE LOOKED SO EMO!!!

Since when was Deku like this??

Is he okay?

Did something happen to him to make him turn all emo?

Was is Bakugo?

Oh I'd kill him if it was.

"Why is everyone looking at me funny?" he asked, his voice hollow and emotionless.

It was true. Everyone was looking at him weirdly. Well, except for Bakugo. That means he deffinately did something wrong. Suddenly, everyone started asking Deku a bunch of questions and he tried his best to answer them.

"Since when have you been all emo and stuff??"

"Well I've always wanted to-"

"Why is your hair black??"

"I dyed it because-"

"What have you done with the real Midoriya??"

"What are you talking abou-"


"It was probably Mineta-"

"Are you single??"

"CAN EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP?!" Silence. "Thank you. Now to answer your questions," he cleared his throat "Fuck off"

Everyone gasped at the same time.

"You know, Midoriya... with that new hairstyle you look a bit like a girl..."

A slap echoed around the room. Deku had slapped Mineta so hard that he had crashed into the opposite wall and made a dent. I guess he must have used his quirk to give the hit extra power.

Aizawa was at the front of the class. I seemed to be the only person who noticed. Other than Bakugo.

You know what, whenever I say everyone, just assume I mean everyone except him. He doesn't count.

Aizawa looked very confused. He must have come in when Midoriya said "Fuck off". I don't blame him for being confused. Anyone would be.

Aoyama suddenly pulled out some balloons. I don't even know where he was hiding them... he seemed to be saking them out of his pocket even though they were already completely blown up... they had smiley faces on them.

Ashido then started throwing glitter everywhere...

Right, so now everyone was confused.

Honestly, what is going on in author-chan's mind right now??

To be perfectly honest, I have absolutely no hecking clue XD. I had to do something confusing.

Well you sure picked a very confusing, weird and slightly mad thing.

Just then there was a knock on the door and Aizawa weakly said "Come in,"

The door opened slowly and Todoroki poked his head through. He was wearing a very gay looking jumper. Wait... OH MY DEKU HE'S GAY!

"Well fuck me sideways..."

I then began singing gay or european. I'm not sure how I knew the words...

Slowly the rest of the class joined in. Aizawa called Mic for help. Bakugo walked over to Deku and said hi. Todoroki just stood there, looking concerned for all of our mental health.

a.n. Don't even ask what this is. Don't. Please just... don't. Was this confusing enough? Wierd enough? Next chapter I will hopefully bring in a character that most people hate but some people like. It will get amusing.

But I have a quick question to ask, should Mineta be expelled or not?

Because there is a character I would like to bring into Class A but Mineta has to leave for that to be possible. Let me know in the comments.

I AM (no longer) HERE!

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