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It's about 9:30 pm and I'm laying on my bed, listening to music while reading a comic. A perfect night for me atleast.

As I was reading the rising action part in the story, I heard a tap on my window. I thought it was just a tree branch so I ignored it.

I heard it tap again. I'm not those people who gets scared easily and will eventually check what it was. So I was hesitating whether I should check what it was or just ignore it again.

I chose to check what it was, for protection. As I lifted the curtain, I saw Mike Wheeler. That one kid who's the leader of the group.

I thought he was pretty funny, a nerd but he's quite cute. I didn't have a crush on him though, I would never. Although... That gave me second thoughts.

I opened the window.

"Mike? What are you doing here?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Oh, hey Y/n" he answered while fixing his hair.

"Um, I'm pretty sure this is the wrong house but hello I guess" I chuckled lightly.

"Oh yeah, I'm supposed to go to El's tonight. Looks like I just forgot where I was going" he smiled sheepishly, almost falling down.

"Just get in, you might fall down. Don't wanna hurt yourself and scrape your knee there, Wheeler!" I quietly exclaimed and helped him in.

"Your room is so neat" his jaw dropped and he looked around.
"Is that a comic collection I see right there? Lucky you, I never get comics" he pointed his finger to the mini drawer of comics.

"Woah, really? I found a new comic store actually. I think we should check it out" I smiled while sitting on my bed.

"That would be great" he answered while smiling.
He walked closer to the mini drawer, his thoughts filled with "what if I have this in my room" or some shit like that.

Before I said "open in slowly" he already opened it and a part of the drawer fell.

"You Idiot!" I whispered with anger. "I'm sorry! Here I can fix it!" he got the piece and got the nearest glue he can find and glued it back on.

Maybe he's not that bad after all.
"Wheeler, hey good job I guess" I shrugged but smiled.

"Eh, it's no biggie. I sometimes fix my toys and walkie-talkies. Most are a fail but some work" he shrugged.

"Well, you can fix some of my stuff. It's pretty old but I wish I could still use it" I handed the camera to him.

"Hey! This camera is so cool. I'll try to fix it. Can I borrow it for tonight? I'll try to fix it" he asked while looking up at me.

"Uh yeah sure. Just please do your best, I miss this thing" I answered with hope.

"Of course! I will" he smiled. "Oh, um it's getting late. I need to go sleep now" I smiled.

"Oh yeah, I'll see you next week at school?" he asked while smiling.

"Yeah, for sure" I answered while nodding. "Goodnight Wheeler" I whispered softly while he was going down with the camera.

"be careful, idiot!" I laughed. "Ow I just hit my head" he laughed in pain. I grinned, "I said be careful!"

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