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"Hey Mike, I think you need to sit down for a minute and we can talk this through, alright?" I looked up at him while he was pacing back and forward.

"No, Y/n. What if she's still there? She can't just disappear like that!" he was frustrated, his hands on his head, lightly pulling his hair.

"Michael, I know you're frustrated about this and I am too. Shucks, everyone is but you have to know that you should lookout for yourself too. We all miss her so please take care of yourself" I comforted him while massaging his back.

"No Y/n! No-one ever understands me! Not even YOU understand me. It hurts so much I think I need some time alone. I want you to go Y/n, please. Don't ever come back" he pushed me out of his room and shut the door.

Those words felt like I was hit by a truck. I was always there for Mike and hearing him say that to me feels like I've been abandoned. I hate seeing people feel hurt or feel like they're empty so I try my best to make them happy and comfortable.

The only hurtful thing that makes me sad over doing the things that makes me happy is they always push me away. It's like they don't want me there... to comfort them and it just hurts.

So hearing that from the person I trust most... I knew I needed to leave. I didn't want to see him either after what just happened.

I ran outside his house, even in the pouring rain. I wanted to be isolated from the world.

Tears forming a river down my face, soaked clothes, and tired eyes. I didn't care that I was gonna get sick, I didn't care that people would see or judge me, I just wanted to say sorry to Mike for some reason. It wasn't even my fault.

As I entered my house, I walked faster to prevent my family seeing me. I didn't want my family to act around like I'm a different person, I've always hated that actually.

I ran to my room and locked the door. I wanted to sleep, of course I was tired. Mentally and physically tired. It was appropriate to sleep, right?

How did I not know? Ever since El came around he just changed and I'm not even saying that it's Eleven's fault. Never. But I think it's just Mike as a person. I think he fked up. He broke the party just thinking about her. He was being selfish.

He changed

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