scoops ahoy

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"hey doc we better back up. we don't have any road to get out of off 88"

    "roads? where we're going we don't need roads"

A crowd cheered on after the movie ended. I may or may not have expected more on the ending but everything else was awesome.

"Y/n, wanna go?" as I look to my other side I saw Mike stuffing popcorn in his mouth.

"Why didn't you finish your popcorn between the movie?" I wiped some of the crumbs of cheese on his cheeks.

Of course I licked my thumb, I didn't have some tissue nearby.
Mike smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, we still have....." I checked my watch to see what time it was. It's 5 pm. "Wheeler, we still have time to waste. Let's go to Scoops Ahoy"

I grabbed his hand and exited the cinema, followed by other still-shocked movie watchers.

I interlocked my hand with his and he accepted it. We were just starting out meaning, we're dating.

We confessed like a month ago and we didn't want people to know but since we're going to Scoops Ahoy, I'm prepared for all the jokes, the laughter and all the teases.

We walked going to the ice-cream shop and noticed the counter was empty.

Mike ringed the bell. "Hey we're not gonna sneak in or anything we actually purchased the movie tickets ourselves so can we get ice cream? Thank you"

I ringed the bell twice more and aggressively making the customers stare at me in a annoyed look. I have them a death stare and they eventually looked away.

"You know what let's just go inside the staff room. I don't care" Mike groaned and grabbed my hand to follow him.

He pushed the door finding Erica climbing the vent and seeing a weird russian code on the whiteboard.

"Okay, what the fuck is actually going on?" I asked in a confused way, I mean like what the actual fuck IS going on?

I wanted to spend a day with my boyfriend without any trouble and to watch Back to The Future (which happened and I'm satisfied) and then im come to the ice cream shop to fucking find this?

"o-oh shit um well" Steve raised his eyebrows because his children just found out he's secretly a motherfucking russian spy.

"MIKE" Dustin groaned and ran to Mike, attacking him. He grabbed his shoulders from both sides. "You have to listen to this! Robin, Steve's partner or whatever their spouse is- um can crack the fucking russian code!"

"Dude!" Robin groaned aswell and furrowed her eyebrows from his sayings.

"Can I please leave? I have a sleepover to attend to" Erica got out of the vent and crossed her arms.

"NO" Dustin shouted and he looked like he was fucking stressed which, he is very fucking stressed and he kept on panicking.

"Is no one gonna make it clear for both of us?" I raised my voice to catch the attention of everyone.

"Dustin told me he intercepted a secret Russian base or some shit like that- anyway it's some important shit and we need help" Steve blurted out quickly and grabbed the Walkman.

"CAN WE PLEASE JUST GET ICE CREAM?" Mike shouted cause he looked he was about to fucking explode from the situation.

"Mike calm the fuck down oh my god" I rested my hand on his arm to calm him down.

"Robin, you know what to do" Steve looked at Robin with a annoyed look.

Robin sighed and grabbed the ice cream scooper from his hand.
"Come on children, this way to candyland" she rolled her eyes and we followed her out of the staff room.

"God, finally" I whispered to Mike. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Alright so, what do you want?"
She leaned behind the counter ready to serve.

"Um, Rocky road" Mike answered without hesitation.
"Ah, the classic ice cream flavor" she got a come then perfectly scooped the ice cream.

She handed it to him and waited for the money. "Are you gonna pay already?" I asked because I thought I was gonna pay for it. I promised him because I accidentally punched him one time and it gave him a bruise so big it didn't leave until 3 months.
He still fucking calls me man of steel.

"I'll pay for you" he smiled and kissed my cheek.
"Ew, get a room you two" Robin stared in disgust.

Mike looked at her and furrowed his brows. "Are you disgusted because you know the same thing won't happen to you?" he raised one eyebrow and smirked.
I giggled. "One vanilla ice cream with sprinkles on top thank youuu" I smiled.

"Alright, here you go. For the lady" she handed it to me and Mike payed for everything.

"Are you gonna help us with the Russian code?" Dustin open the window that's connected to the staff room and the front counter.
"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute dingus" she rolled her eyes. "Ok, bye. Come on, run along" she raised her brows then waved.

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