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"Finn, are you drunk?" I laughed while I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What? No? Totally not" he giggled and almost tripped walking towards to me.

After the party I knew Finn was drunk, he didn't ask for help, which what I expected but he was half sober at that time and he decided to drink more.

God help me.

I was suffering from helping him stand on his own and helping him walk going home.

Since he's such a tall, skinny penis, he was dang heavy. Of course for a tiny girl like me, he would just fking lean on me from the side and I would almost fall.

I would always groan from the mess he's making but I couldn't handle it, he was being cute so I kept hugging him and kissing his cheeks.

I walked going towards him and there he goes again, he tripped on his shoelace. "Finn I swear to god" I exclaimed looking down at him.

I helped him up and tucked him in bed. I removed his shoes and got an aspirin from downstairs and placed it on my bedside table with a cup of water. Just incase he wakes up with a headache.

"Alright Finnlard, it's time for sleep" I kissed his forehead and smiled.

"You're very pretty" he mumbled and played with my hair. I decided to lay down with him for a bit and cuddle with a smelly, drunk Finn Wolfhard.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked while giving me heart eyes. I chuckled at his question. "I'm already your girlfriend, dingus"

"What? Really?" his eyes were wide open. "Yeah i am" I got up and entered the bathroom.

time skip

"Hey Wolfhard, I'm back" I smiled while looking at him, posing like a supermodel.

I heard him snoring which made me smile. I always find him sleeping cute.

I turned off the light and laid down with him. "Goodnight Finn" I whispered while I rested my head on his stomach.

"I love you" I heard him say. I answered back. "Love you more". "Impossible" he answered.

- "totally not drunk"
               -  "...okay"

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