happy valentines day

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this title is so long but whatever lol

I sat down on the concrete floor outside next to the diner. It's cold and I'm waiting for Finn, yeah, Finn.

He's late to everything but he's never late to anything that has to do with me.

I've always appreciated his presence, but recently he's always been busy. With his acting, writing songs and just hangs out with his other friends.

When I was about to go inside the diner, a car arrived and honked twice at me.

The headlights were on and it was so bright. So bright it could make me blind. From all the crying, my eyes were dry and seeing two bright balls of light made me cry even more.

I blocked the light with my hand and I heard a door shut. "Y/n?"
I heard Finn's raspy voice. I could tell he lost his voice, either from shouting, singing or laughing.

"What do you want Finn?" I moved aside to see better and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry, Y/n" he sounded like he wanted empathy and I know I'm not gonna fcking fall for that.

"Sorry isn't fix the whole thing, Wolfhard" I say with a duh tone. He's walking closer to me and I just wanted to back away. I didn't want him to touch me. The sht he did hurt me when I was always there for him.

"Y/n pleas-"
"No, Finn! Don't come back crawling on me begging for forgiveness when you know you fcked me over for the past couple of weeks. I cried every night thinking if I did something wrong that made you ignore me. I was even fcking worried for you for crying out loud! And you know how terrible I am with my mental health just figuring out everything all in my own and I know you have been there for me but you just left! Left like it was nothing like you never cared! What made you like this, Finn?"

My tears were falling. Falling and giving out big drops of them.

I closed my eyes and let everything out and when I opened them I noticed Finn walking closer to me.

He's spreading his arms to hug me but I pushed him away. No matter how much I wanted a hug, I just pushed him.

He tried comforting me but I kept hitting him. And eventually.. he stopped. He stopped because he knew that it's not gonna do anything.

I stopped crying and I just stared at him. He looked like he was crying too and honestly, I felt bad.

I walked up to him and embraced him. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned his chin on my head while my head is buried in his chest. Tears still flowing.

"I'm s-sorry" Finn stuttered. He lifted my face to look at me. I didn't want him to kiss me just like that. In fact, I don't really want to kiss him tonight so I just backed away a bit.

"How about we start over?" he asked. I nodded, "But are we still gonna be together?"

"Up to you, y/l/n" he smiled and leaned his forehead on mine.

Just seeing his flushed pink cheeks and his red lips, I know I had to.

This kiss is just the answer or the sign of forgiveness. Not to be cliche but I've actually always wanted to do this.

Seeing it in movies, it's just the best way to shut a boy up. And .. So I did.

I pressed my lips onto his and it tasted like peaches .

"happy valentines day" I smiled then rolled my eyes and pulled his arm to go inside the diner.

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