are you sure?

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I began walking home in the desert after I got off of the school bus. "Hey, Y/n eh!" I heard a boy who looks like he's on drugs.

I turned around to see Boris in his normal but yet stylish clothes and thinks that wearing a vest would look good on him. Though, anything looks good on this boy. And next to him is Theo, who probably drinks and smokes with him every night.

"Yeah?" I asked with a confused face. I stand there with the desert sand touch my legs going up to my face, making me shake my head. "I didn't know you live here ah!" he open his arms but doesn't go forward to hug me.

He then crosses his arms. "Yeah, I don't really take the bus" I push back my hair and put a thick yet thin strand of hair behind my ear.

We began our walk to our sandy neighborhood. As we arrived to the neighborhood. I decided to go over to Boris's with Theo.

He opened the door of his home and we went to the back, where there's a dirty empty pool hole.
We sat down on the ground.

I noticed Boris brought bottles of beer and we drank it all up. It isn't really my first time drinking since my parents do not care at all if I drink or not. I feel like they just care about what I want do in my life.

He also got pills with a jar and a dollar in it. Also some cigarettes in it with a lighter.

He gets a plate and places the pills on it then crushes it. He rolls the dollar and he snorted it in one go. I realized he has three white lines for us though only two since he did it already.

Next, Theo snorted and he was fine. "What the fuck?" I laughed as it's my turn now. For some reason I got excited.

I got the dollar and snorted the last white line. It felt addicting and good. No! Y/n stop it's bad

I realized what I was doing and got a cigarette. I lighted it and smoked it all out. "You know what?" I put the cigarette down on the plate. "Fuck it! I'm doing another one" I got four pills then crushed them.

"Wait, Y/n! are you sure?" he got the plate from me with worry I'm his face. "I'm gonna fucking die anyway" I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Let her" I saw Theo defend me and took a sip from his beer.

Boris gave me the plate back. I got the dollar and snorted the thick white line in delight. "Now this is what I call a badass" Boris' accent is actually so cute.

I blush secretly. I may or may not be falling for this drug addict. My thoughts made me chug all of my beer.

Can I have another one?

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