pizza boy

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"Natalie!" I shout from my bedroom with my hands on my stomach. "What?" she runs to my room with her hair messed up.

"Can you get pizza? I'm fucking starving" I groaned then rolled on my bed. "Y/n shut the fuck up. You wouldn't be hungry if you told mom we were gonna go with her" she rolled her eyes then left.

I'm still calling up for pizza though. Nothing stops me when I'm hungry. I grab my phone and dialled the local pizza shop number.

"Hmm" I scroll down to see numerous pizza flavours. "Cheese, Pepperoni... yeah ill just get pepperoni with a soda" I tap on the size options then got the largest size possible.

"...and.....there you go,, pizza" I smile in excitement. What should I do? I should probably take a shower I smell like shit.

After getting out of the shower, I left my towel wrapped in my hair since it's not done drying yet.

I wear an outfit for the day. Just something simple. Wearing my black highcut converse, with  dark plaid trousers and a Grease shirt.

I do my makeup simply. Just mascara and concealer. It's totally a normal day.

I hear the doorbell ring. I grab my wallet and run downstairs. I open to the door to see a boy who's too young to start working in a summer job but he's my age.

He's taller than me and his curly hair is in the way of his face making it kinda hard to see him.

"Pizza delivery?" he furrowed his eyebrows and handed me the pizza box. "How much?" I grab the box and placed it on the nearest table.

"Oh, it's $30" he pushed away his hair and he waited for me to hand him the money but I was so lost in his eyes. I couldn't stop staring at his beautiful face.

"Money?" he lifted his hand so I could give him the money. I flipped through the folded money and looked for two $20.

I handed him the money and then waited for the change. I kept staring at him. I think I'm falling for the pizza boy. 

"Here, $10" he gave me the money and started walking away. "Hey pizza boy!" I shouted for him to hear me.

He slowly turned around and gave a confused look on his face. "I never got to ask your name" I ran towards him.

"You don't have to" he answered with no hesitation. "Why not?" I furrowed my eyebrows then crossed my arms.

"Because I know you'll be ordering pizza everyday and eventually I'll come and we'll eventually talk and you'll know my name. Just wait" he winked and got on his motorcycle.

My frown which turned into a smirk. I waved goodbye and he waved too. I ran back because I remembered that my sister would steal the damn pizza.

Pizza boy,, I smile to myself. I'll order once again tomorrow.

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