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"my soul just thinks your soul is pure magic

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"my soul just thinks your soul is pure magic."


Sahar sighs.

she's found 5/7. two more to go.

when Taehyung picked her up from the club in his crimson, vintage looking car, she learnt a lot of things. he's still her best friend (thank god), Taehyung has long, black locks that she immediately wants to touch, they're roommates and she's very relieved to not be living with the devious, intimidating Jimin.

it seems that in this life they hate each other too.

she could always see herself living with her best friend- Taehyung. Sahar and Taehyung have talked about it several times. the concept of decorating, shopping, supporting each other and being roommates always excited the two long term friends.

and now it's happened.

what still sends a burning, long shiver down Sahar's spine is the fact that she saw Jungkook when driving back with Taehyung. he was in his car, beside them at the traffic lights with a smirk on his face as they met eyes.

she didn't expect him to recognise her.

the next day, the young female is out with Taehyung. they're shopping and for a moment, she forgets she's living a completely contrasting, bizarre life because it felt so mundane and natural with her best friend.

Sahar swings the bag in her hands. "you're my best friend right?" she asks wandering, clueless Taehyung. she needs the reassurance.

"forever and always."

Taehyung smiles. a smile so beautiful and calming that it makes Sahar's heart fill with warmth. having him back, like this, is worth everything.

the male gets distracted by a perfume advert in the store. Sahar nearly drops her bottle of water when she sees Jungkook as the face of the fragrance. it's flowery, beautifying and elegant- a big difference from the night before. he's dressed in a flowing, see through blouse, hair in miniature curls and his nose is sprinkled with glitter- ever so irresistible.

"gosh, isn't he beautiful?" Taehyung sighs and presses his hand against his chest. he truly is- Sahar agrees silently, gazing at the huge advert.

"who's that?" Sahar asks purposely. she points towards the moving advert alongside the glass, fancy bottle. she needs to act like she doesn't know him so she can obtain more information. Jimin can't have told her everything. she feels more determined.

how hard will it be? to make Jungkook fall in love with Sahar so much that, when she breaks his heart, he'll say the words she needs him to say?

"Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung clarifies, raising his voice that's filled with adoration and respect. "famous CEO, living a rich life. happily single and also a fast race car driver." he finishes.

"he races?"

Taehyung nods. "yup, it's his hobby." he picks up the fragrance, struggling to spray it onto his wrist. "fast and furious style." he says dramatically.

Sahar sprays the perfume all over Taehyung, apologising when it gets into his mouth. "when's his next race?" she asks curiously.

"in a couple of days, why?" Taehyung senses Sahar's inquisitive nature and eyes her carefully. "do you want to go?" he questions, fingers resting on his chin as he thinks thoughtfully.

"yes. get the tickets."

"you think it's that easy? he has a huge fan base." Taehyung laughs.

"lets join them then."


Sahar has never witnessed a car race. all she's seen is boyish, young adults racing down neighbourhood streets in flashy cars they rented for a few days.

she lets out a breath of relief when her and Taehyung take their seats. the racing arena is filled with people. the engines of vehicles are roaring, people are buying merchandise, food, waving flags and wearing hats.

Sahar should've expected to see Jimin.

Jimin is throwing daggers at her with his chocolate, innocent looking eyes, ringed hands pushing back wispy, amber locks as he stands up.

Sahar mutters- for god sake, under her breath when she sees petty, Jungkook loving, Jimin walking up to her. he winds through crowds of fans and people here for entertainment, fixing the collar of his denim jacket.

Sahar doesn't look at him when he approaches her and Taehyung. "Sahar hi! who's your friend here?" he's so fake- she thinks, rolling her eyes.

"i thought you hated me."

"i do but please do introduce me to your friend here." Jimin grins, gesturing towards oblivious Taehyung as he stares into the distance.

"no, you can piss off." Sahar replies.

"yeah i hate you." Jimin glares as he crosses his arms over his chest to appear defensive. "eyes off my man." he refers to single Jungkook.

"do you want me to tell you what happened between me and him last night?" Sahar smirks, waiting to see his priceless reaction.

and of course, Jimin walks away.

just on time, everyone takes their seats as the race starts. engines are fuelled, players arrive to the tournament as fans scream and cheer.

a low, speedy car arrives at the start line and everyone holds their breath. the red exterior of the vehicle is full of bold crimson and white stripes. the fast player remains unknown.

"please welcome..." the announcement shouts, voice raising as flags wave in the air, banners are held high. "Jeon Jungkook!" is all it takes for the crowd to scream in ecstasy.

the owner of the race car steps out, lengthy legs on show as he stands up. Jungkook takes off his helmet, hands bare from rings as he grins. the smile on his face remains constant, appealing and full of charm as he shakes out his growing, blonde locks- fluffiness and delicacy of the man on show.

Jungkook looks around the occupied, anticipating crowds and Sahar stills when his eyes land on her. eyes meet and stare into each other- intensity, familiarity and admiration evident.

Jungkook winks at Sahar.

did you have to?- Sahar sighs, noticing the staring eyes and Jimin's dramatic gasp as Jungkook gets back into his car.

he's ready to race.

"Sahar, what the fuck was that?" her best friend- Taehyung asks. his eyes are big as they wait for an answer.

Sahar addresses the wandering eyes. "i swear i don't know him."


driver jungkook oof

a bonus update? enjoy

also if you're feeling the wintry spirit this year, make sure to check out my book Snow Woman!

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