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"you wanting a sign is a sign."


Sahar freezes when daring, rich Jungkook looks at her.

out of all the people in the room, why did he look at her?

she turns around in her spinning stool rapidly and chugs her brown drink, not knowing what else to do. the slow, agonising burn down her throat makes her regret her action.

"do you know him?" Jimin questions. he's eager for her to reply, waiting with pursued lips and narrowed eyes. Sahar hates to admit how intimidated she is, from the way he's sat- one leg crossed over the other to the way he's looking at her, as if to say how dare you even look at the male species.

"no i don't." Sahar lies. oh sweet honey you have no idea.

"why was he looking at you then?" Jimin asks frustratedly. his hands clench into fists in his lap as he waits for an explanation. one that satisfies him. "he never looks at-"

"i don't know Jimin!" Sahar answers- fed up of him already.

"how do you know my name?"

oh fuck.

the female looks at him with fear. she makes a mental note to learn how not to fuck up. Sahar's pretty sure Jimin can sense her fear.

"he's right behind you!" Sahar lies and points behind Jimin, making him think Jungkook is behind him. he isn't and as soon as Jimin turns his head, Sahar runs away upstairs.

she smiles when she succeeds in tricking him and takes the stairs. the first floor of the busy club is better for her mentally. there's less noise and she needs space. Sahar's mind is running in circles with her messy thoughts.

the eye contact meant nothing between her and Jungkook.

he doesn't know her.

there's empty rooms on the first floor. Sahar couldn't help her curiosity as she opened each door, accidentally walking in on a rowdy couple. shit sorry- she muttered before closing the door and walking away.

the curious girl who's in need of a distraction, finds an office at the end of the corridor. it's oddly open. Sahar runs her hand down the numerous books on shelves, glancing at the closed window and it's curtains before making her way to the scattered desk.

at the front of the desk, it states Jeon Jungkook in bold italics on a metal slate. so it's his desk? his office?

Sahar looks around the large wooden desk, noticing closed drawers, pen lids on the surface, piles of paper and a glass of unfinished whiskey. she has no idea what she's looking for but feels like she might find something.

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