Chapter 7

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"Aren't you going to introduce this beautiful flower "Jungkook was jolted by the obvious admiration.

"Oh he is a very special friend of mine "Taehyung said but Jungkook didn't want to think  what that meant.

"Oh is  that so .Please do come in.I will have someone bring your luggage in"Ms Choi said as she backed away into  the  hall making way for the couple to enter.

Taehyung clasped his hands with Jungkook 's who gave  him a death glare before pulling his hand away.

"Special friend my ass"he  grumbled.

"Young master, will you  show your  friend  around so he wouldn't have to get  lost.We have gotten  your  room  ready "she said lovingly.

"Can I have my own  room  if you don't  mind "Jungkook said and Taehyung was  taken aback.

"Absolutely not "Taehyung replied.

"Why not? Its our duty to make our guests comfortable. I will take you to one of the best  rooms  around here "

"That would be so kind of you "

Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer to him and whispered "What's going on with  you ?.What's with the attitude? "

"Am i your friend,?"

"So are you  retaliating because  of  that? "

"I'm  not "Jungkook replied tone flat and small.

"Shall  we then ,"asked Mrs Choi.

"Please "Jungkook left Taehyung  standing there alone.

"Are  you Jungkook?"the older asked as they were walking around  the house.

"That's me? "Jungkook didn't know where this was going but answered nonetheless.

"Taehyung has told  me about  you and said is getting  married. He has never brought anyone else home so I assumed  that  it must have been you. Please take  good  care of  him especially  his heart. Love hasn't treated him fairly  in the past. Not  even from his  parents. I  practically raised  him since  his parents were always at each other's throats. Please give him all  the love that  he couldn't get "she begged with glistening eyes.

Everything that she had said made Jungkook feel hopeless. Once again he was reminded of   the initial reason he was  with Taehyung; to bring his doom and probably crush his heart to crumbs.

"Loosen up.This is your home "she urged tenderly.

Jungkook didn't want to loosen up. He  felt so much anger towards himself and wished that he  would  just  die.

"We are here "she said and that was when he  loosened up and  faked a smile in appreciation.

"Your luggage will be  here  soon and dinner is almost ready '

"Thank you "

"You are most  welcome "she smiled brightly at him.

For the first time Jungkook had gotten  to notice  his surroundings. The house had a versatile of modern furnishings and ancient antiques and  armaments.

There was a king sized bed covered with a gold spread which was the same colour with the curtains matching well  with the white walls.

The  closet was wooden and  so was  the  dresser  besides  it.An insuite bathroom was also  included.

Soon enough his lagguge arrived and he started unpacking. He  placed his  underwear away in the drawers. He hung his clothes  in the closest and ended up getting frustrated wondering what had happened the  preceding  night.

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