9125 Miles

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                                                "so I'll bid mine goodbye"


Kicking off her shoes, Dianne looked out at the azure waves slowly crashing against her feet.        They moved backwards and forwards each time softly grazing the golden sand that just a few hours ago would have definitely burned her toes. Now though, it was a tender, comforting warmth that caressed her feet as the sun set in the distance. This particular feeling made her heart ache for the place that surrounded her. Of course, she thought, they had beaches in Perth. And probably the million other places that she would be travelling to and performing in. But not the beautiful, secluded beach that she knew here in Bunbury. She laughed to herself thinking how could I miss this the most out of everything that I'm leaving behind?

"What are you laughing at?" asked Andrew, sitting down beside her.

She turned to him, smiling "Just about how much I'll miss the beach,"

He chuckled to himself "Charming! I take back the heartfelt speech I just gave to you and now I won't miss you one bit,"

She shot him a look that said 'okay whatever' and continued to stare out at the sea. Without warning, tears sprang to her eyes and she desperately tried to fight them off knowing she couldn't return to the house with red eyes or it would set her mother off again.

"Oh Dot, it's okay" said Andrew pulling her in for a one-armed hug. She leaned into his shoulder, trying to commit his scent to memory. "Of course you'll find it difficult at first, but you have to remember this is your dream. You have to take this risk or you'll spend the rest of your life regretting it. And Mum will be fine, not that she won't miss you because I think they could fill a lake with the amount she's cried today," Dianne let out a muffled laugh from Andrew's shoulder "But she'll have everyone here to support her and she's so proud of you for following your dreams,"

Dianne detached herself from Andrew's grip to wipe her eyes before saying "I know you're right. Burn the Floor is an amazing opportunity and who knows what it could lead me to. But I almost feel under pressure to do well and for it to work out because I'm taking such a huge risk,"

Andrew sighed and said "Look Dot, you're one of the best dancers I know. Anyone with a brain can see just how talented you are. And even if it doesn't work out, you still have your hairdressing to fall back on so either way you'll be absolutely fine. And you won't be letting anyone down because everyone in our crazy family is already so proud of you for trying,"

Dianne smiled and embraced her brother. "Thanks Andrew, I needed to hear that," she paused and looked out to the sea again, her grin increasing so that it appeared to cover her whole face. The sun was now setting and emitted a fiery red glow onto the sand. "Who knows where I'll be in a few years but I know that I can always come back here,"

"Maybe you'll end up living abroad," Andrew teased.

"Not permanently!" gasped Dianne. "I can handle moving when I know I can always come back, but this not being my home? I don't think so,"

The next morning.

"Er Dianne, did you pack a boulder in here or something?" asked Brendan, red in the face from carrying just one of Dianne's suitcases. Dianne, meanwhile, was engrossed in her phone and didn't even hear.

"Er Di?" said Andrew.

"Sorry, I was watching a man play the piano with his toes on YouTube," she laughed, showing them her phone. Her brothers looked at each other unimpressed, before lifting the last of her suitcases.

Once her cases were loaded in her little red car, Dianne turned to each brother in turn and embraced them both tightly. "I won't say anything because I know I'll break down and I still have a long drive ahead of me!" she laughed. The laugh died on her lips as her parents walked out of the house, her mother clutching a handkerchief.

9125 Miles- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now