0 Miles

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"you're in my arms and all the world is gone,"


Joe was overwhelmed. The room was filled to the brim with people and he felt excited but also pressurised to get to know everyone at once. It didn't help that he was answering the same questions over and over again. No he didn't have any experience. Yes he was shitting himself. No he didn't mind who he got as a partner. In all honesty, he was relieved when they got to the dancing part cause he didn't feel as though he could talk anymore. 

He was dancing with Janette which was good because she wasn't very tall. But what she didn't have in height, she made up for in confidence and patience. She was teaching him a very simple jive kick and two step moves.

"So go this way and kick and one two three," she counted him in and applauded when he correctly did the steps. "Well done Joe! Now I need that but about five times faster,"

"What?" he said alarmed. She smiled at him.

"Yeah it's a bit quicker than that," she admitted. "But I think we're going for a break now. Come on let's get a drink,"

Joe let Janette lead him to the catering area where three people stood. He recognised Neil who he had met earlier.

"Are you alright mate?" asked Neil.

"It's just a lot quicker than I was expecting. I thought I'd got it and then Janette was like yeah but faster," he said making Neil laugh.

"Oh Joe, this is my wife Katya and Dianne who's just getting her water," Joe shook hands with Katya and then his gaze fell upon the redhead who had straightened her back at the sound of her name and turned round. 

Joe's mouth went dry. Standing in front of him was the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen in his life. Looking into her eyes were like drowning into two pools of honey, and looking at her face properly, he wasn't sure if he wanted to be saved from the drowning. Her skin was beautifully tanned and she smiled at him while holding her hand out for him to shake. Her teeth were perfectly even and straight. Joe, realising he had probably stared too long, shook her hand and introduced himself, stuttering a little. Had he been more alert, he would have noticed Neil and Janette raising their eyebrows. 

"G'day Joe. How have you been finding it?" she asked kindly. 

"Er, very fun but very difficult at the same time," he said laughing. "I just don't think I'm gonna be able to do the moves fast enough,"

Joe wasn't sure if he imagined it, but he was sure her eyes were darting around his body, settling on his neck and top line. He was aware of her scrutiny and tried to now show how it was affecting him. 

"Maybe Latin won't be your thing," she said fairly. "You look like you'd be a good ballroom dancer, don't you think Neil?"

Joe had completely forgotten about the presence of the other pros and when he looked up, he noticed Neil's smirk before he quickly knit his features into a neutral expression.

"Get into hold with him Di, so I can see," he said daringly. Dianne rolled her eyes and quickly positioned Joe's arms and feet into the correct ballroom hold. Joe's stomach was in knots as she was so close to him, with his hand round her back. 

"Just put your head to the left," she whispered, reaching up to tilt his head slightly. She then moved his shoulder all the way down before taking his hand in hers. Joe took a sharp intake of breath as their hands connected. For a second, it was like it was just the two of them in the room. 

"Yeah I see what you mean Di," said Katya appreciatively. Joe was snapped back to reality at the sound of Katya's voice. 

"Look at that neck!" said Dianne, turning her head to look at it herself. "That's amazing for ballroom,"

"Lets hope I stay in to do a waltz or a foxtrot then," Joe laughed. Dianne released him and gave him a searching glance. 

"You'd definitely be a good ballroom dancer, you've got a great top line," she complimented him. Joe felt a blush rise to his cheeks and was relieved when the man with a clipboard called them off their break.

Maybe this dancing thing wouldn't be too bad after all he thought. 


Dianne left the room feeling significantly better than when she'd entered it. She and the other pros made their way to another room where they gathered their things and discussed the contestants. Everybody appeared impressed with Ashley Roberts who had picked up the moves very quickly and Amy had been particularly starstruck by Faye Tozer who had been in the band Steps. Dianne was oblivious to the chat taking place around her and was massaging her feet, until Neil brought her into conversation.

"You and Joe looked quite good together," he remarked. Before Dianne could say anything he continued "You compliment each other's height quite well,"

"Yeah, he's really nice. I think he'll be a very good ballroom dancer," she commented, changing her socks and shoes. Neil looked at her and sat down next to her on the bench.

"How are things with you and Anthony?" he asked, lowering his voice so the others wouldn't hear.

Dianne sighed before answering. "I don't know. We never see each other, ever. I don't know how much longer it's gonna last. I don't want it to be labelled as the 'Strictly curse' but I'm not happy,"

"Don't prolong unhappiness if you can change it. There's no shame in admitting that something didn't work out. It's not as though either of you have cheated or anything worse. It's just a sad something that happens sometimes," said Neil seriously.

"Wow Neil, that was some sound advice. Are you feeling okay?" laughed Dianne.

Neil chuckled himself and pulled Dianne into a one-armed hug. 

"Thanks though, that made me feel better," admitted Dianne.

"Not wanting to pressure you or anything, especially with the whole situation but a certain YouTuber couldn't take his eyes off you today and I'm sure I saw you sneak a glance," said Neil mischievously. 

Dianne rolled her eyes and said "He's a very nice man Mr Jones, I was polite to all the celebrities. Now I need to go get these eyebrows sorted and I will see you all tomorrow,"

As Dianne left the room, she couldn't help but smile at Neil's words. It was true, the social media star had caught her eye. She couldn't explain the feeling she got when they had slipped into ballroom hold for the first time. She hardly knew him, but she felt secure in his arms. Also, Dianne couldn't ignore the butterflies when his hand had brushed against her back. 

Well, she thought, maybe I do mind who I get this year. 

9125 Miles- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now