9125 Miles

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   "so far, we are, so close"


Nothing had changed about the scenery for Dianne. She sat on the beach, around the same time the sun was setting, in her gorgeous home town. The only thing that had changed was the relaxation that she felt inside. When she had sat here all those years ago with Andrew the eve before her departure, she had felt so uncertain about her future. She hadn't known if she would be back in a year doing hairdressing.

It was a Sliding Doors moment. She wondered what would have happened if she hadn't pursued dance and had became a full time hairdresser. I'd have had red hair sooner, she thought chuckling to herself. Checking her watch, she got out her phone to text her parents. They ought to have been there by now.

"Dot!" she turned and they were walking towards her with the barbecue things. Dianne sighed at the image. This was the hardest thing about coming home. The realisation that she'd probably missed out on a hundred barbecues in the dying Australian sun with her family. Pushing the thought away as she didn't want to be miserable on her visit, she plastered a smile on her face and walked towards the group.

"So we're the only ones who haven't met him yet Dot," said Brendan. They were sitting on a picnic blanket while their mum and Andrew played with Billy and Mia. 

"To be honest Brendan I'm not sure if you will," she said seriously.

"Oh," he said remaining quiet.

"He's a lovely guy. I could definitely do worse but I just don't think it'll work out. It's nice but I don't think it's anything long term," she admitted.

"I just know that we, Mum especially, worries about you being alone over there. She likes the thought of someone else being there to keep you company. But if you aren't happy then you aren't happy," said Brendan, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Whatever happens to me next, I'll be fine with it. Everything happens for a reason," she said. 

"Anyway, are you excited for the next season of Strictly?" he asked her.

"I can't wait. Tour is great and I love travelling but I enjoy the fact that I can stay in one place for Strictly. A bit of stability for thirteen weeks and then I hit the road again," she laughed.

"And hopefully you'll get higher than a three from Craig," smiled her brother. Dianne grimaced remembering the abysmal scores the judge had given her and Revo last time.

"That's the dream!" she said rolling her eyes playfully. 



Joe closed his laptop and lay down across the bed in his dad's spare room. Finally he could allow his mind to rest. He'd just had to proof read two contracts for two new signings to their management. And then there was the other contract. The one he was still debating about whether to actually sign or not. He couldn't think about that right now. He'd been solidly working for around two and a half hours and his mind was feeling like a fried egg. No, he thought, that's not the saying. He laughed softly to himself before traipsing downstairs.

"Oh Dad, that smells amazing," he said walking into the kitchen. There on the table waiting for him was a roast dinner. Joe's dad set the gravy boat on the table and sat down opposite his son. 

"Are you alright?" asked Graham cautiously as they ate.

"I've done the two contracts for the new signings. It's just the other one," said Joe, looking down at his meal.

"Ah your dancing one," said his dad. Joe nodded.

"I've never actually told anyone this but they did ask me a few years ago and I said no straight away," he admitted.

"Really?" exclaimed Graham. He set down his knife and fork. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was scared that it would be a bad move. But also that then I'd regret it if you all thought it was a great idea. Like I'd missed a great opportunity," said Joe, looking at his dad properly.

"Mate you know I don't believe in any fate and destiny stuff. It's just a bit weird quite frankly," Joe laughed at his dad's statement. "But it's interesting that they've asked you twice. Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something,"

Joe considered this. He'd loved the programme when watching it at his nan's house last year. If he was channel surfing and came across it, he ended up watching and enjoying it. But then came the fear. Fear of embarrassment, fear of rejection, fear of notoriety. What if he made a complete and utter fool of himself?

"I know it must be scary," continued his dad. "It's completely new territory for you. But as long as you treat everyone with respect and try your best, you'll come across well. And if you're rubbish, well you'll be out before long," that broke the tension and Joe laughed. "You said you regretted it that you didn't at least give it more thought the first time. How would you feel if you didn't go on when you could have had the time of your life?"

"I wish this wasn't such a Sliding Doors moment," Joe sighed. "I wish I could see both outcomes and just know what to do,"

"I know I don't act serious often Joe but I just think you'll regret it if you don't give it a try. What's the worst that can happen?"

"What if I don't get on with my dance partner?" he asked "What if we just hate each other?"

"Joe, you're more likeable than anyone. Just be yourself and she'll love you," said his dad reassuringly.

Of course, that would be the least of his worries. 


All too soon, Joe was back in London, in a car, wondering why on earth he'd signed the dotted line. He'd travelled the 91 miles from Wiltshire to London, wondering what would be waiting there for him. His life had changed slowly and subtly over the years but this would be a big one. It was becoming too real now, he was on his way to meet the professional dancers and Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman for the first time. His heart couldn't be pounding more as he was put into a room with people like Stacey Dooley, Faye Tozer and Graeme Swann. The word impostor sprung to mind. 

"Right guys, get your balloon and we're off to see the pros!" shouted a man holding a clipboard. In a daze, Joe grabbed a random balloon and followed the others to a large hall.

Raising the pin to pop his balloon, the thought that entered his head was a plea for her to be nice. And please God, let her be patient. 


All too soon, Dianne was back in London, putting her black running shoes on, following the other pros into a hall, wondering for how long she'd watched the plane fly along the dotted line on her tv on the flight. She always hated the flight back. The plane was bringing her on a journey of 8991 miles from Perth to London. Each time, she wondered what she was returning for, other than dance. Nothing new would be waiting for her upon her return so each time was just a little more bitter than sweet.

At least today would be the start of a brand new adventure with her second season of Strictly. She was excited to meet the celebrities, even though she would have no clue who any of them were. She would be getting a partner who could fill her days, teaching them to do what she loved most.

Her last thought before the balloons exploded was that she really hoped he was nice. And not too tall. 

Authors Note- Thank you so much for over 500 reads! I never thought anyone would bother to read this, so it is mind blowing to me. I'm so excited to be writing about Joe and Dianne together now rather than separately. I hope this chapter isn't much of a cliffhanger, they will definitely be interacting in the next one. Thanks once again!

9125 Miles- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now