0.3 Miles

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      "And never knew, so close with waiting, waiting here was you,"


Placing her sunglasses slightly tilted on her head, Dianne walked off the ship with a spring in her step. She was wearing a light blue and white sundress with matching white sandals. Striding confidently towards the town, she eyed up a few stalls all of which were selling gelato. Her companion shook his head as he watched her movements, trying to decide which stalls' offers looked the most appealing.

"Let me guess, cookies and cream flavour for you?" he asked, catching up with her.

Dianne turned to smile at him, her chocolate irises sparkling in the setting Venetian sun. "You read my mind Gorks! I need an ice cream to cool me down after that masterclass. I swear the air conditioning wasn't on in that place,"

As they queued at the nearest stall for their gelato, Gorka was watching his friend carefully. He knew that she had struggled since her recent break up. Dianne was so strong that the customers who attended ballroom lessons on the cruise would never have known she'd had her heart broken just a month before. Gorka was amazed at her strength but also worried that when she eventually allowed her emotions to catch up with her, she would be inconsolable but also that she wouldn't seek help. 

After they had walked for around ten minutes, deep into the town of Venice, Gorka suggested they sit down for a chat. They found a gorgeous, scenic park area overlooking the famous river where visitors could go for a gondola ride. Gorka took a deep breath before turning to his friend.

"I just want to check up on you, make sure that you're doing okay after everything that happened before the cruise," he said quietly.

Dianne sighed. She had been expecting something like this soon. Gorka never normally was too inquisitive about her private life. He was her good friend obviously and she had known him for years. She knew, without a doubt that he could be trusted. But it was a case of opening wounds, she barely managed to get through the day without breaking down. However, she knew Gorka would be nothing but sympathetic with her. Looking at a film crew setting up over the river, rather than actually at her friend, she began speaking.

"I'm happy, I really am. It's just hard after being with someone for a while to then go to being completely alone again. I just miss having somebody there that completely loves me. But then, I guess I never really had that to be honest if he could do what he did at the end..." she trailed off and Gorka could see that she was fighting back the tears. He gathered her in his arms and allowed her to cry her fill.

After a while, Dianne composed herself and they assumed a comfortable position with her leaning her head on Gorka's shoulder. She watched as two men clambered into separate gondolas and began talking while waiting for the film crew to begin. The lingering silence was broken by Gorka who spoke softly to her.

"Listen, any man on this Earth would be so lucky to have you. It isn't worth wasting tears on someone who clearly has no brains," he said with a smile. "I'm glad you've had a little cry though, I was worried that you were dealing with it too well,"

She looked up at him. "Thanks Gorks, you're such a good friend to me,"

They stayed in that position for a while as they watched the group of people over the river. The rest of the area was deserted. Dianne didn't know what they were filming for, in fact she could barely see the faces of the two men who were goofing around in the gondolas. But she could see how the shorter boy's hair flopped slightly as he tilted his head back and laughed out loud at something the other said.

Something, something about the boy's laughter was infectious and she slowly but surely, started to smile again. 


Joe couldn't quite believe what was happening. He looked over at the professional filming crew with all their fancy equipment and pinched his arm. Nope he thought, I'm definitely not dreaming. His career couldn't be going better. He was filming a movie with his best friend that was completely centred around them, his channel was gaining more and more each day. He was beginning to feel as though people knew and respected him for more than being 'Zoella's brother' He knew he had been successful.

So why did he feel so discontent?

"Mate are you alright?" asked Caspar.

Joe managed to muster up a smile. "Yeah course I am. Come on, I think they're ready for us,"

The boys walked over and carefully climbed into separate gondolas waiting for the filming crew to position their cameras. Joe's gaze turned to the other side of the river where a couple was sat eating ice cream. It looked more intense than that though. The woman was speaking and then all of a sudden the man was hugging her. He couldn't explain the feeling as he witnessed this. If he had to describe it, it could be 'wistful jealousy'. Zoe had always said that a flaw of his was hiding his emotions and he knew it was partially why he didn't have a girlfriend. This man clearly knew how to emotionally connect with the girl in front of him. And it made him jealous.

"Are you sure you're okay Joe?"

Joe sighed before answering. "I'm not sure mate. I feel guilty for feeling unhappy when you look at what we're doing. I'm incredibly lucky..."

Caspar observed him. "But?" He had to press Joe or he wouldn't be able to help him.

"I just feel a bit lonely if I'm being completely honest," he admitted without looking his friend in the eye. "I haven't had a girlfriend in years and I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with me,"

"You have to remember mate, relationships are a two-way street. If nothing has worked out, I can guarantee that it won't be one hundred percent your fault. Maybe you just weren't right for some of them. And that's absolutely fine, there isn't any shame in that. I can promise you the right girl will come along at some point," said Caspar encouragingly.

"I just worry as well that when I eventually fall in love, I won't know what to do and she'll dump me for being a rubbish boyfriend and-"

Caspar cut him off. "Joe, you are so thoughtful and caring. Do you remember when I was ill and you rang my mum panicking that you didn't know what to do? The fact that you even thought to do that shows your massive heart. Trust me, when she comes along you'll know exactly what to do,"

"Thanks Casp. Look at us having a deep chat on a gondola in Venice!" said Joe grinning as they stood up ready to film.

"Not the weirdest place we've had a deep chat. Do you not remember when we passed out together in the club toilet after we agreed to move in together?" said Caspar.

As Joe threw back his head and laughed at the memory, he realised his friend was right. He just had to be patient. The right girl would be out there somewhere. Looking out at the couple sitting on the bench across the river, he made a promise to himself that when he finally met the girl he would fall in love with, he would treat her like she was his absolute world.

Because of course, she would be.

9125 Miles- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now