As Dora-the-Kid and Dora-nikov live in an opposite building to the murder scene, they have to figure about a man which the identity stunned all. But it isn't enough, as another shocking moment reveals that more than just one. But what is behind such a murderous, gruesome and inhuman behavior and the motivation of it, is still unclear. Meanwhile, far away from Paris, a man starts to decode the mystery only to figure out something that will influence their own investigation on the List.
Paris, France
The police discovered a man's body, whose head got a bullet. In a way, Kid and Nikov recovered from the scene as people were forbidden to get in.
They discovered a body lying on the ground and it was a black man. Then, they soon carried alongside French police as Kid and Nikov talked in English instead of French.
"The man dying there was identified ... Mohamed Abdoulaye Keïta, 35 years old, jobless, and ... having ties with terrorism, notably Daesh." French chief inspector, an old guy with a bald head was Édouard Jannes, who charged the murder of the man.
"Wait ... how the hell a terrorist-linked bastard could have entered France? And which motivation led to his murder?" Kid wondered how.
Inside the apartment where Mohamed Abdoulaye Keïta was found dead, it was quite complicated to see a lot of pictures, stuffs and even some ... black flag in the table. The flag of Islamic State was also founded there, for some reasons.
French police soon agreed that the dead man had a dark tie, and it must be examined.
"Inspecteur, il était entré à Paris sous le faux nom Souleymane Hadia." (Inspector, he had entered Paris under the fake name Souleymane Hadia.)
"Bon travail, Philippe. Nous devons récupérer plusieurs profils perdus de ce terroriste malien." (Good job, Philippe. We need to recover several lost profiles of this Malian terrorist.)
Mohamed Abdoulaye Keïta, turned out, was from Mali, a Sahelian country in Africa which has tie with France. The French Government is now coordinating with Malian Government, and has dispatched a fellow Malian inspector to there. But as the Malian inspector had yet to come on time.
"So, we need to think that ... how the hell a Daesh sympathizer, could be killed in the city of Paris?" Kid got amused to see this.
"We're not clear why. But he was under target by us for mobilizing the terrorist group Islamic State of Sahelian branch. His exclusive tie expanded further to Boko Haram and Libyan militant groups. He could be considered a jihadist, but his death now has made us even feel stranger."
"You don't know which motivation, do you?"
"We can try. But, it is not enough. We are hacking his computer and phone because the last time he checked, he talked with a senior member, perhaps, of the Islamic State elsewhere, before being shot dead."
The room was quite beautiful in standard, but the blood of Mohamed Abdoulaye freaked them up. But Nikov saw it somehow: a fake name, fake nom-de guerre, and entering France freely without being discovered, only to be killed in an apartment near the Eiffel Kensington Hotel.
Now, this became even more suspicious. The room suffered little damages to none, so, how could the killer enter the apartment?
"This is a fucked up scene." Kid told to Inspector Édouard: "Fuck it!"
As the police tried to uncover the scenario, they soon reported about the computer and iPhone of Mohamed Abdoulaye.
"Inspecteur, l'iPhone a finalement été décodé. Que devrions-nous faire ensuite?" (Inspector, the iPhone was finally decoded. What should we do next?)
The Lost List
ActionA series full of drama, tense by pressure, two men, who have chosen to disappear for two years, have decided to resurrect again. And they embark for a new journey of their own, to find out the last, and to finally close their chapter. Yet, it turns...