Group 5 (4)

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The whole China is in the hunt against the Zodiac Killers due to their responsibility to the deaths of nearly 23 PLA and People's Armed Police's personnel carrying General Hu Guoyi. Since Kid, Nikov and Emiliano have dressed as Zodiac Killers, they cannot let themselves to be under siege. They carefully prosecute the rogue PLA General and slowly see out some reality, with the help of his son who defects to the CIA.

Peng Baode, who is the Minister of Economic Affairs in China, is aware with the fact, someone is looking to topple the group. Meanwhile, with Adrian and Patricia in Chengdu, they slowly sneak into a local brothel managed by Ma Ziyou and discover a top plan that can be a game change.

Next day


Beijing, China

It was a very special moment due to the high number of casualties and the level of attack. Now, from the Tiananmen Square, where it was the scene of anti-government protest before, it became quieter.

The flag was slowed down, after the President of China issued a three days mourning. They took immediately to the hour the convoy was attacked and the disappearance of General Hu.



Peng Baode visited a family where they lost a member during the attack by those Zodiacs. In there, many people were inside, and the house was filled with black and white colors, a color of tragedy and national mourning.

The family, settling in Dongwangzuo village, had a lot of people. There, the house belonged to the Ji clan. It showed the image of a man, who wore a PLA graduation uniform. The photo was the last thing an old woman could, she had lost so much in the following.

"集黄安,哦集黄安,为什么会这样? 为什么?" (Ji Huangan, oh Ji Huangan, why did this happen? Why?)

The old, grey-haired lady was the mother of the dead soldier, Ji Huangan. He was killed during the attack by the trio Zodiacs to protect the convoy of General Hu Guoyi. Peng Baode had visited her family, and cheered her. Some of Huangan's few relatives and friends helped the family to decorate and to prepare for the final path for the late PLA soldier.

"女士,我很抱歉你的损失。 愿他的灵魂平安。" (Madam, I am sorry for your loss. May his soul be in peace.)

The tragic death of Ji Huangan was significant for Peng Baode because he was the godfather of Ji, since he considered Ji Huangan like his adoptive son and had helped promoting him to become a loyal driver for Hu Guoyi. Baode's son, Peng Daqing, also arrived. Daqing was unhappy with what's going on, so he told to his dad. But his dad suggested him to quiet.

Then, Peng Baode called to someone from the other side, in private.




Kunming, China

Ma Ziyou received a phone call, and it showed the name of Peng Baode. He took his Samsung iPhone, and responded:

"宝德,你不应该这次打电话。" (Baode, you should not call this time.)

"籽油,这是一个严重的问题。 你有没有抓住流氓解放军士兵?" (Ziyou, it is a serious problem. Have you captured the rogue PLA soldier?) Baode pressured from Beijing.

"他比预期更聪明。" (He's smarter than expected.) Ziyou addressed: "他是前特种部队的人员,他更加强硬,很难在不陷入困境的情况下抓住他。" (He was a former Special Forces' personnel, he is tougher and hard to catch him without trapping.)

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