Group 5 (5)

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With the situation becomes increasingly rampant in China, Kid, Emiliano and Nikov understand the time is limited. Befriending the rogue son of Hu Guoyi, Hu Dianbai, who despises his father and a CIA asset, the group heads west to Xinjiang to see the truth behind the massive evil trades formed by the White Lotus. Adrian, meanwhile, reunites a friend in childhood and together with Patricia, continues their run, but the trio has been under watch, in which, it will cost one live.

Chengdu, China

The capital of Sichuan province, Chengdu is a mountainous city with amazing culture. Yes, it is.

And also, in the same place, Adrian Tseng reunited to a friend, Gao Huangdun, in the surprise of Patricia Knightley. Gao was now a police officer in the city of Chengdu, but due to their bond, he allowed them to be in, evading from the capture.

Gao Huangdun, a policeman, drove his police vehicle on the street into the center of the city. As much as he was driving, he had seen many military vehicles in the street. And Adrian had to cover with his moustache and glasses. Of course, Gao knew what happened.

"是什么让你受到逮捕令? 我只是不明白。" (Man, what make you under arrest warrant? I just don't understand it.)

"我被指责了。 我从来没有这样做过。 我自己永远不会计划杀死解放军士兵和人民行动党人员。" (I was blamed. I have never done it. Myself will never plan to kill PLA soldiers and the PAP personnel.)

"我不知道。 无论如何,对人民解放军的袭击是可怕的,但看到你在那里,我就是无法得到它。" (I didn't know that. Anyway, the attack on People's Liberation Army was horrendous, but seeing you're there, I just can't get it.)

Gao Huangdun was always an understandable character. When he saw how Adrian entered China with few stuffs, including a gun, he just tried to consolidate. But with Adrian not trying to kill him, Gao called them in. He also welcomed the American girl Patricia.

With Patricia, she is more noticeable to the road. As troopers and armed police were everywhere in Chengdu, Patricia became wary for the fate of Adrian, despite Adrian's experience as a PLA Special Forces member.

Gao Huangdun was quite fair too.

"为什么你要担心? 如果你能抱怨,你就会活下来。" (Why do you have to be worry? If you can complain, you will survive.)

"对不起我的朋友,但这个政府腐败,内心腐烂。 而且我看到很少有改善,因为他们是由一群阴谋家统治的。" (Sorry my friend, but this government is corrupt, rotten from within. And I see very little improvement because they are ruled by a bunch of conspiracists.)

Adrian had to tell from it, but he avoided defaming the mysterious Group 5. For Adrian, only people could know what's next.

"你知道,你只是毁了我的时间。 伙计,我是回族,你知道吗?" (You know, you just ruin my time. Man, I am a Hui, you know?)

"对不起男人,但你可以投入另一个当地的清真寺。" (Sorry man, but you can devote in another local mosque.)

Adrian knew Gao Huangdun was a Hui muslim, and that he often prayed five times a day in the mosque. The Hui people are a major muslim people in China, and while they are totally indistinguishable from Han people due to its cultural tie, Islam is the reason separating them from the Han.

In the police vehicle of Gao even kept a Qu'ran book, which he often read if he had free time. His father, a scientist of the People's Liberation Army, was also a muslim and had taken Huangdun to Mecca on Hajj when he was 6.

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