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Trigger warning: Mentioned child abuse. It starts when Aizawa asks him if he's ready to talk

Hitoshi hardly sleeps that night. Along with his insomnia, the fight with his dad won't leave his mind long enough for him to relax. When he finally does sleep, it's only for a few hours.

He wakes up at 5 feeling exhausted, but since he hasn't been able to sleep properly for years it doesn't really bother him. He just needs a few minutes to wake up entirely.

Hitoshi sighs, then decides to go and see if anyone's awake. He slowly opens his door and looks out, only to find Aizawa sitting on the sofa, his black hair tied back in a pony tail and already wearing his hero clothes. Hitoshi wonders if he slept in those clothes or if he got changed already, before Aizawa looks up at him. "Morning" He sighs, sounding equally as exhausted as Hitoshi.

He pauses, then puts down his mug on the table, narrowing his eyes "You didn't sleep"

"Sorry...I have trouble sleeping, and last night was..." Hitoshi trails off, but the hero seems to understand what he means.

"Sit. Do you want anything to eat?"

"Thank you, but I'm not hungry" He says quietly, and sits down towards the edge of the couch away from him. His teacher rolls his eyes and sighs.

"You should eat. Don't think I couldn't hear it growling last night. You didn't have dinner did you? When was the last time you ate?"

"Lunch time" Hitoshi mumbles, looking down to avoid the annoyed look on Aizawa's face. He's not sure he's ever seen him care so much about someones well being, but it's strange.

"Eat something. I'll make you toast" He sighs getting up.

"You don't have to"

"Do you want to starve?"

Hitoshi doesn't reply, feeling even more awkward than before.

Aizawa puts a plate of toast in front of him and a cup of coffee, before sitting down where he was and taking a drink of his. "Are you ready to talk?"

There's a brief silence, then Hitoshi nods slightly.

"My dad came home early yesterday, and got angry when he found out I wasn't at home. So when I got home, he started shouting at me. I told him that I was training with you, and we already told him that we were training on certain days, but he said that he never knew about it. Then he got even angrier when I told him why we were training; he doesn't like the idea of me being a hero" He sighs.

"Ever since I got my quirk, my parents hated me. They were upset when I applied for UA, and didn't hide their relief when I got into general studies. So the idea that I was training with you to get into the hero course didn't sit well with him. I'm not sure why...I guess he just thinks that if I got into the hero course I would use it to become a powerful villian"

Aizawa frowns, but doesn't interrupt. He notices Hitoshi starting to fidgit slightly.

"He shouted more, and I shouted back because I had enough of him treating me like that. Then...he threw a glass at my face. I didn't have enough time to react to it, or when he hit me. I tried to fight back but he got me to the floor and held me down. He wouldn't stop hitting me...until I stopped fighting back. As soon as he walked out the room, I packed my bag and run away. I stopped at the bus stop, and stayed there until you found me"

"How long has this gone on for?"

"Since I was 5. They couldn't stand having a kid with a villainous quirk. So they focused all their love on my sister instead. When she left for college, it only got worse" He sighs.

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