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Hitoshi wakes up to find Aizawa laying on the couch in his sleeping bag, his head resting on Yamada's lap. They're both asleep peacefully. He smiles gently at them.

Today is the last day where Aizawa will be home. He has to go back to the dorms, and the only reason he's home right now is for Hitoshi. Now that he's settled in, he can move out and leave their son with Yamada.

When everyone gets changed, Hitoshi hugs Aizawa for a while before they go to school.

With Aizawa gone the house feels emptier, but Yamada fills the space with his energy and noise. He seems to appreciate still having company now that someone else is home, and takes this as an opportunity to bond with him. Hitoshi helps him make dinner -both because he asked him to, and to make sure he doesn't burn the building down- then Yamada helps him with his homework.

On Friday, Hitoshi is allowed to come with him to the studio and help out with his radio show. He helps choose a few songs, and they have a brief conversation before they start taking calls. There's a particularly weird call from Kaminari, which causes Hitoshi to turn his mic off for the next 5 minutes to calm down, as he doesn't want to laugh at him over air. Another call is from a young girl who hasn't developed a quirk yet. He helps offer advice, as he once knew someone with a quirkless mum and brother, and told her that a quirk doesn't matter as much as she thinks it does.

On Sunday, Hitoshi comes back to school early so he can train with Aizawa for most of the day. His class has a day off, allowing him to give up his free time for Hitoshi. The test is in a month, and they need to make sure he's as prepared as possible. Especially since 1A has work studies starting next week, and although Aizawa should have more spare time, he tells Hitoshi that something important is going on so he may be too busy for training.

They work more on his physical abilities, starting with workouts to increase strength, stamina, and speed, before moving onto hand to hand combat. Both having similar quirks, they need to rely more on their physical abilities than their quirk, as it may not always be helpful in a situation. And since the two hero course classes are strong, he can't rely on just his quirk alone.

"You're too slow. Where's your fighting spirit gone?" Aizawa pushes as he dodges every single attack, "Look at you, you're exhausted already. How do you expect to fight like this?"

Hitoshi growls, pausing momentarily to catch his breath. He hadn't slept well last night, and he feels like he might collapse as his sleep deprivation starts to catch up with him. But that can't stop him. He still has to push himself to stand a chance. If he slows down now, he'll ruin his shot.

He resumes position then tries again, watching his movements to try and see if he can tell where he'll move next. Hitoshi goes to hit him with one hand as a distraction, but brings his other fist up when he's unaware. He makes contact, and Aizawa jumps back with the ghost of a smile on his face. "Nice job"

Hitoshi smiles, but pants slightly as a thin layer of sweat covers his forehead, causing strands of purple hair to cling to his skin. His arms hurt and legs ache from the excersises and he's running the last of his energy left from sleepless nights. His sleep schedule was never a problem before, but now he's pushing himself its becoming a problem. Aizawa's face softens, "Let's take a ten minute break. You look like you're ready to pass out on the spot"

Without replying, Hitoshi gratefully collapses onto a nearby bench and leans back against the wall with his eyes shut.

Aizawa watches him and sighs gently. Maybe he is pushing him too hard, but he needs to be good at this. The two classes already know what his quirk is, and once they know about the Artificial vocal chords he has been more of a disadvantage. There are a few students that he worries about him being up against, and he has a feeling that Hitoshi would try and beat Midoriya this time. He thinks back to something he was told before by a classmate.

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