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AN: I'm sorry! I just had my first week of college and I don't have a lot of time to write now. This chapter is short, but the next chapter will be longer.

It's the day before the exam, and Hitoshi's anxiety has been playing up all morning. He ends up pacing around, hudled in his cat blanket, and eventually Aizawa tells him to go on a walk once he's on his 15th lap of the apartment. Hitoshi gets dressed and goes for a walk, heading towards the park, coming up with a route as he goes.

As he passes through a crowd of people, he sees a girl a few years older than him, with light lavender hair tied back in a half up half down style. "Emi?"

The girl turns, a wide smile appearing on her face as soon as she notices him, "Toshi!"

"What are you doing here?" He asks as she walks over.

"The police called me and asked me to come down and answer some more questions. I already gave a statement, I guess they needed more to go on" She shrugs, "Let's go somewhere else and catch up"

He nods, and she smiles leading him down the path to the quieter part of town that he recognises. They follow the path towards a small cafe at the corner of the street, and she walks in smiling. "Remember the last time we were here?"

Hitoshi nods, making eye contact with a grey tabby. Emiko brought him here for his birthday last year, as his parents decided to forget it. So the two celebrated it together, surrounded by cats.

When they sit down at a table near the back, Emiko orders a hot chocolate and Hitoshi orders a coffee. Once they get their drinks, her expression changes, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I couldn't call you as much as I used to because the signal is awful. I really tried, I feel bad" she puts her head in her hands, "Besides...when I told you that I was going to Hosu we had that fight. You wouldn't talk to me afterwards, and I just...I didn't know if you would pick up. I thought you were still mad"

Hitoshi frowns. He had screamed at her because he thought she was abandoning him too, and never properly said goodbye when she left. It took him two weeks to forgive her, and nearly two months for her to finally call.

"When I did call and you picked up, I was just so happy to be talking to you again. I don't want you to think I'm blaming you for why I haven't called enough. It's mostly my fault"

"I'm sorry..." He sighs. A white cat with ginger patches leaps onto his lap, and Hitoshi strokes it gently.

"It's not your fault. Hosu was my dream school...but I always regretted leaving you at home with them. Mum wasn't that bad, but the things that dad did to you...Toshi I'm so glad you're still here" Her soft lavender eyes stare at him sadly, and she frowns seeing the scar through his eyebrow. He looks away. That can mean two things, but which one is it?

"I was always cautious since then...except the day I ran away. I fought back and he beat me half unconscious. It was a miracle he stopped when he did, I thought I might die. He was so pissed off, it was terrifying" Hitoshi keeps his eyes on the cat. "But I'm ok now. I have a new family and I'm almost in the hero course. I don't have to worry about them anymore"

She smiles nodding, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. He glances up and smiles, "I have a little sister"

"A sister? Can I see her?" Emiko perks up, leaning fowards. He laughs and takes his phone out, showing her a picture of him and Eri. "She's so cute! What's her name? How old is she?"

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