Fresh Start

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Our mornings were busy, as we took care of the small farm we had. The chance to start over that T'Challa gave us was a beautiful gift. One that I refused to take for granted. So, I helped Bucky around the farm. Feed the chickens in the morning, throw hay in the afternoon, cook meals, clean the yurt, it was a beautiful life. 

Sometimes it was hard, Bucky would snap on occasion. It was several months since our wedding, when I was preparing lunch, when I heard yelling outside. Bucky had taken a liking to the boys from the neighboring village that would come and watch him work, but this morning I heard them yelling.

"Miss! Miss come quickly!" I heard the several voices repeating loudly.

I left the food where it sat and ran out the door, I wasn't prepared for the image I saw before. 

"Go!" I yelled pointing toward their village, "I'll get him." I ran and jumped in the air, taking form of the fiery bird as quickly as possible. I made my destination the tree that Bucky had cornered one of the boys in. He was swinging a heavy object trying to take down the loan tree. I let my arms come away from the bird form and grab the boy, setting him down several yards away. 

"Run home!" I said sternly, steeling myself as I turned toward Bucky. His hair had fallen into his face, his eyes were squinted from the bright sunlight, but they were set on me. I was his new target. I took a deep breath and set my goal in my head. I just needed to grab his hand. 

Bucky charged at me, and I at him. We collided in an explosion of fire and dust. With every blow he would send my way I would dodge or counter. It was easier with him only having one arm, but he was still very strong. Finally I saw my opening, he reared back to swing at my chest, leaving himself open. I dropped to a knee and spun quickly, knocking him off balance.

He tried to jump to his feet, but before he could I was on top of him. I wrapped my legs around his neck and held his hand in mine. 

"Get..." I heard him straining, "Off.." His guttural groans and grunts were slowing, his oxygen supply was limited. I tightened the hold of my legs and began to fight his hand open. Finally seeing his fingers open and his struggling slow, I began to draw the circles on his palm, slowly I began, the first circle caused him to relax his hand, making the others easier to draw. By the time I had put the dot in the palm of his hand, he was relaxed with his head in my lap. 

I sat there, running my fingers through his hair. He laid there until nearly night fall, as the sun was about to disappear behind the trees, his eyes opened. 

"Hey there." I said softly, his eyes searched mine and his brow furrowed. "Did you have a nice nap?" His eyes shot open and he scrambled to his knees in front of me, his hand coming to my cheek softly.

"Oh no..." I heard the sorrow in his voice and I felt the pain as his hand touched my cheekbone. My face was bruised from his punches and I could feel the swelling in my side from his kicks. I chuckled softly and tapped tenderly to his right cheekbone. "ow!" 

"You aren't the only one that landed a few blows." I smiled to him, "Thankfully, no one else was hurt."

"The boys?" He began to look around.

"I sent them home." I smiled and began to get to my feet, Bucky hurried to help me up and walked me to our home, my hand on his arm as we went.

We would have extra work tomorrow, but everyone was safe. The boys did what they were told, run and get me. I just wish they had yelled sooner. We walked into the small room of our home. It wasn't much, a bed to one side and a counter to the other. It had a cooking area in the center, small straw rugs on the floor so we didn't walk on dirt. 

Bucky moved the leather cover over the door, tying it in place. I turned and walked close to him, my hands as gentle as possible, as I removed the scarf from around his shoulder and the earth toned sleeveless shirt. His lips kissed against my forehead and I felt his hand on the small of my back. 

Bucky had once been afraid to be intimate with me, to let down his guard. Now he was more relaxed then he had ever been. Sleep escaped us at the night drew on. It was full of moments of snuggling against each other and moments of rediscovering our passion and love for one another. It wasn't until I noticed the sun begin to rise, that I realized the night had gone and the day had begun. 

I stretched from my position beside my husband, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. We were scheduled to meet with Shuri and go over new ways of damage control. How to start noticing the signs and preventing it from escalating. 

I took a slow deep breath and tried to lift myself away from his grasp. As I tried to pull away I felt him pull me closer and hold me tighter. I chuckled under his grasp and then I felt his whiskers on my neck. The laughter continued as his alternated between kissing my neck and tickling me with his chin hairs. 

Soon we had settled into each other again, my arm draped across his and my back pressed firmly against his chest. 

"We have to go see Shuri." I chuckled again, as I tried to pull away from his grasp.

"Not today." he sighed as he pulled me tighter.

I chuckled again and turned toward him. "Then what shall we do?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He began to kiss my neck and I felt his arm map the curves of my body. I knew where this was going, and I couldn't say no. It wasn't long before my lips were pressed against his and our embrace had created a familiar heat in the room. 

Shuri would have wondered where we were, but the moment was too precious to pass up. We spent the day in bed, only getting up when we had to. Bucky did go out and tend to the animals, giving me strict instructions to stay in bed and rest. I laughed and took the chance to make food while he was outside. This was heaven.

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